Gila River Indian Community

Process and timeline


Gila River Indian Community 2025 Grant Cycle documents are posted on the Gila River Indian Community website at

  1. Under the “Departments” tab, click “Office of the Treasurer” dropdown
  2. Scroll down and open the “Office of Special Funding” section (left side of page). Here you will find the links for the GRIC Grant Guidelines and GRIC Grant Application.


  • All applicants must use the Gila River Indian Community application, easily identified by the heading “Grant Cycle 2025.”
  • Resolutions will be required only for those proposals identified to receive awards and will be required at the end of the process.
  • However, a municipality representative must sign the application cover sheet to acknowledge your application in order for it to be accepted by the Gila River Indian Community.
  • For this purpose, the City’s Grants Coordinator, Sharon Skinner, will serve as the City of Mesa Representative.

Request for City Representative Signature of Acknowledgement must be made via ZoomGrants  no later than 6:00pm on March 20, 2025. Information you will need to complete the Zoom Grants request includes:

  1. The name of the program/project your agency/department will fund with the grant
  2. The amount of funding requested from Gila River Indian Community
  3. A short description of the program/project for which you are requesting funding
  4. A brief paragraph describing how this program/project will impact Mesa community AND the projected number or percentage of Mesa residents to be served
  5. Your complete contact information including phone, email and mailing address with a designated point of contact
  6. Your completed cover sheet must be attached to your email request. If all city requirements are met, a signed copy will be returned to you.

NOTE: Each request for tribal support must be sent separately. For Gila River Indian Community, use subject line: “Prop 202 Gila River Indian Community Support Request”

Failure to follow these specific guidelines will result in your cover sheet being rejected.

City Representative Signature of Acknowledgement must be made via ZoomGrants no later than 6:00pm on March 20, 2025 at 6:00 p.m.

NOTE: Your agency must be located in and/or serving the residents of Mesa in order to be eligible for Mesa City Council support.