Non-Playable Turf Reduction Project

We are working to reduce non-playable turf at more than 50 parks and basins to reduce outdoor water usage. This water conservation project at Mesa parks is possible through an agreement with the Water Infrastructure Finance Authority of Arizona (WIFA) to receive available federal funding for turf reduction. These projects will help us conserve water, improve the appearance of the parks, and protect existing infrastructure.

Click on the orange or blue dots to see specific details about the basin/park. You can also zoom in or out on the map. 

The 54 park and basin locations selected are eligible for this federal funding based on the percentage of Colorado River (CAP) water they receive. The removal of non-playable turf at Mesa parks and basins will extend through Winter 2025. Each project is estimated to last 4-6 weeks per site.

Our selected contractor for these projects, Mariposa Landscaping Arizona Inc., will first remove high-water-use grass from undesirable areas (next to block walls and other infrastructure), then replace it with curbing and granite, and finally adjust the existing irrigation systems to continue watering the remaining turf.

For additional information or questions, contact us at: 

Phone: 480-644-4859