Thank you for doing business in Mesa!
Mesa is a premier location for vibrant business development opportunities in the heart of the Southwest. We are committed to providing services that accommodate all residents and encourage your establishment to do the same. By breaking down and eliminating barriers, the ADA provides individuals with disabilities equal opportunity to participate in all aspects of community life. The below information is only intended to aide and assist, and not intended to replace or interpret American with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards and regulations.
Making your business accessible is not a one-time endeavor, it is an ongoing responsibility. People with disabilities are living more independently and participating more actively in their communities. They, and their families, are more likely to patronize businesses that welcome customers with disabilities. The ADA is a Federal civil rights law that prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities and opens doors for full participation in all aspects of everyday life. By using this guide, you can better ensure that you will not unintentionally exclude people with disabilities.
Service Animals
A "no pets" policy may result in businesses excluding people with disabilities who use service animals. A clear policy and signs permitting service animals can help ensure that your customers and staff members aware of the obligation to allow access to service animals.
Under the ADA's revised regulations, service animals include dogs and miniature horses that are trained to do work or perform tasks for an individual with a disability. It may not always be possible to determine what service the animal is providing, but the business cannot prohibit entry or demand proof of the person’s disability or animals’ status.
In accordance with Animal Control regulations, the business can require the service animal to be under the control of the owner with a leash or harness. For more information on service animals, please contact Animal Control at 480-644-2268.
Wheelchairs and Other Power-Driven Mobility Devices
Businesses must allow people with disabilities to use devices such as walkers, canes, crutches, or braces, and manually-operated or power wheelchairs in all areas where customers are allowed to go by removing barriers which may prevent them from getting through and maintaining any flooring issues.
Generally, this means providing 5 ft. clearance at the end of an aisle and near the cash register location as well as providing 3 ft. wide aisles with no encroachments.
Designating accessible parking is often readily achievable, and is considered a top priority because it enables many people with disabilities to "get in the door." Accessible parking spaces must connect to the shortest possible accessible route to the accessible building entrance or facility they serve. Among other requirements, an accessible route never has curbs or stairs, must be at least 3ft. wide, and has a firm, stable slope with a slip resistant surface.
At a minimum, accessible parking spaces are 8 ft. wide; van accessible spaces are 11 ft. wide. One out of every six accessible spaces must be van accessible. Accessible parking spaces must have an access aisle, which allows a person using a wheelchair or other mobility device to easily exit the vehicle. Access aisles for either type of space is 5 ft. wide. Accessible spaces must be clearly marked with a vertical sign (minimum 60" high) that include the International Symbol of Accessibility and are well maintained. Signs at van-accessible spaces must include the additional phrase "van-accessible."
Accessible Parking Spaces
Communicating with Customers
Communicating successfully with customers is an essential part of doing business. Because the nature of communications differs from business to business, the ADA regulations allow for flexibility in determining effective communication solutions. For day to day services, it can be appropriate to exchange written notes or read labels and menus to your customer. Complex or legally binding transactions may require more formal means of, such as a sign language interpreter or documents in alternative formats.
A common means of communication for individuals who are deaf or have other hearing or speech disabilities are text telephone (TTY) or text messaging. The ADA established a free telephone relay network to enable this form of communication with businesses and customers. To utilize this free service, promote AzRelay 7-1-1 on all your promotional materials, and train your staff on how to handle these types of calls.
ADA Resources
Pacific ADA Center - 800-949-4232
Department of Justice's ADA Information Line - 800-514-0301