Final Plat Process


he Final Plat process entails the final design of the subdivision, including engineering of public improvements and submittal of improvement plans to the City Engineer or the Building Safety Division.

The Final Plat process includes the final design of the subdivision, engineering of public improvements, and submittal by the subdivider of improvement plans to the City Engineer or the Building Safety Division for approval, including the submittal of the final plat for review and action by the City Council.

The main steps in the process are:


Application Submittal
Prepare and submit all necessary documents for formal submittal online.


Staff Review
Receive review comments and revise and resubmit documents online.


Public Hearing
Attend a public hearing for discussion and decision.


Submit final document for recording.


Step 1: Application Submittal

Application for a Final Plat may be submitted at any point after Preliminary Plat approval.

Complete applications and fees must be submitted electronically via the DIMES portal. Applications are due each Monday by the end of the business day.

The applicant is responsible for the accuracy and completeness of all information submitted. Incomplete applications will NOT be accepted.

Required Documents:

  • Application - submitted through the DIMES portal
  • Property Owner Authorization(PDF, 162KB)
  • Title Report - along with all recorded documents showing proof of ownership. 
  • Project Narrative - describing the proposed subdivision, including a description of any proposed phasing of improvements and utility installation. 
  • Final Plat - consisting of the following:  

Identification Data  

  • Drawn to a standard engineering scale at no more than one hundred (100) feet to one (1) inch. Use more than one sheet if necessary.  
  • Proposed name of subdivision, legal description, and acreage.
  • Name and address of subdivider, engineer, surveyor, and owners of subject property.
  • Date of preparation and all subsequent revisions, scale, and north arrow.

Survey Data

  • Boundary lines of subdivision, rights-of-way lines and dimensions of existing and proposed streets, easements (including recording information for all existing easements), alleys and other rights-of-ways, block and lot lines or building envelopes with accurate bearings and distances.
  • Name, book, and page number of any recorded subdivision adjacent to or having common boundaries with the subject property
  • Location of all driveways, streets, and median openings on the opposite side of the perimeter streets within 325 feet of any proposed driveway or intersection.

Descriptive Data

  • Name, right-of-way lines, courses, lengths, and width of all public streets, alleys, pedestrian ways, and utility easements; radii, points of tangency, curve lengths, and central angles of all curvilinear streets, alleys, and intersection corners.
  • All drainageways, earth fissures, or other natural features shall be shown on the plat. The rights-of-way of all major drainageways shall be dedicated drainage easements or rights-of-way as determined by the Engineering Department.
  • All easements for right-of-way provided for public services or utilities and any limitations of the easements. The following notations shall be placed on all final plats: "Construction within easements, except by public agencies and utility companies, shall be limited to utilities and wood, wire, or removable section-type fencing."
  • Location, dimensions, and square footage of all lots.
  • All residential lots shall be numbered by consecutive numbers throughout the plat. "Exceptions," "tracts," and "common open space" shall be so designated, lettered, or named and clearly dimensioned. Ownership and maintenance responsibility for common open space areas shall be indicated on the plat.
  • Location, dimensions, bearings, radii, arcs, and central angles of all sites to be dedicated to the City with the use clearly indicated.
  • Location of all adjoining subdivisions with date, book, and page number of recordation noted, or if unrecorded or unsubdivided, so noted.
  • Any deed restrictions or restrictive covenants required or to be imposed upon the plat or any part or parts thereof pertaining to the intended use of the land shall be submitted as a part of the total recording submittal.
  • Tract Table - Identification of all tracts, their purpose, and acreages.
  • Lot Table - Identify all lot numbers, width & depth, area, lot disturbance area (*for Desert Upland only), and acreage of overall site.

Dedication and Acknowledgment

  • Statement of dedication of all streets, alleys, drainage retention basins and drainage ways, pedestrian/bicycle ways, and easements for public use, including sanitation, fire, and other emergency-related vehicles, executed by the person holding title of record, by persons holding titles as vendees under land contract, by spouse of said parties, lienholders, and all other parties having an interest in the property. If lands dedicated are mortgaged, the mortgagee shall also sign the plat.
  • Dedication shall include a written location by section, township, and range of the tract. If the plat contains private streets, the public easement which shall be reserved shall include the right to install and maintain utilities in the private street, including refuse collections, fire, and other emergency services.
  • Acknowledgment of Dedication. Execution of dedication acknowledged and certified by a notary public.
  • Required Standard Notes and Dedication Language(DOCX, 231KB).

Required Certifications and Proofs 

  • Certification by the registered land surveyor preparing the plat that the plat is correct and accurate and that the monuments described in it have either been set or located as described. All maps shall contain the seal of a registered land surveyor, as per Arizona Revised Statutes (ARS).  
  • Certification by the City Engineer that all engineering conditions and requirements have been complied with.
  • For properties smaller than thirty-six acres and located within Mesa’s designated water service area, a written commitment of water service from us for the proposed subdivision. In cases of properties located within the service area of a private water company, the property owner must provide proof that a certificate of assured water supply has been obtained from the Arizona Department of Water Resources covering the subject land.


Step 2: Staff Review 

Staff will review the Final Plat for compliance with all appropriate standards, codes, specifications, and requirements and provide written comments within 8 working days of the next closest formal submittal listed on the Planning & Zoning Board Calendar(PDF, 372KB). This comment letter will identify requirements that need to be resolved before a public hearing is scheduled.

The applicant will revise pertinent documents to address review comments and provide a written comment response letter stating how each review comment was addressed.  

This process repeats until all requirements are met.  

Step 3: Public Hearing

When all comments have been addressed staff will schedule the request for a City Council hearing. City Council hearings are typically held the first and third Monday of every month at 5:45 pm.

City Council Meetings

Step 4: Recording

Once City Council approval is obtained the applicant will prepare the Final Plat for recordation and submit the following documents to the Planning Division. All documents will be uploaded to the case file in the DIMES system except for the mylar of the Final Plat which must be delivered to the Planning Division.

Required Documents:

  • Final Plat on white photo mylar, or direct electronic plot on 4 mil mylar or bond paper
  • Must contain original signatures and be properly executed by a title company or notary public
  • Must be signed and stamped with indelible black ink
  • Do not fold mylars or bond paper
  • A PDF with approved addresses for Engineering records. For a Map of Dedication (MOD), a PDF must still be uploaded, but does not require addresses.
  • A Will Serve Letter from utilities. Per Per section 9-6-2(F)6(c) of the Subdivision Regulations, the City Engineer must certify on each plat that there is an assured water supply prior to recording. A Will Serve letter from utilities is the mechanism required for the City Engineer to sign a plat.
  • Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions (CC&Rs)
  • Recording Fees
  • A digital (CAD) file of the Final Plat or MOD and a PDF without addresses.
  • Updated Preliminary Title Report along with one copy of all recorded documents identified on Schedule B, or provide documentation from a Title Company verifying current ownership

The plat will be routed to the Mayor, City Clerk, and City Engineer for signature and attesting.

Planning staff will verify with the Development Services staff that the subdivision improvement plans have been approved prior to the plat being sent to the Real Estate Services Division for recordation. Once recorded, the plat will be returned to the engineer of the record.