Central Main Street Area Plan
The Central Main Plan has the goal of creating a more active and viable downtown area for Mesa. The Plan established the policies needed to facilitate the development of property along the extension of the light rail line into a mixed-use, higher intensity, transit-oriented development pattern creating a greater sense of place for current and future residents, achieving greater energy efficiency, and improving sustainability.
The Plan also addresses issues related to the health, safety, and welfare of the adjacent neighborhoods in order to maintain the positive aspects of these neighborhoods, improve upon aspects that are not fully realized, and plan for transition to new uses/forms of development where needed to achieve strong and viable neighborhoods into the future.
In addition, the Plan identifies capital improvement needs in the area to provide the infrastructure necessary to achieve plan goals.
The Central Main Plan was adopted by City Council on January 23, 2012.
Adopted Central Main Plan
Background - Previous Town Center Plans/Studies
- 1994 Vision Plan for Downtown Mesa(PDF, 556KB)
- 1995 Connections Restoring Town Center(PDF, 3MB)
- 1999 Concept Plan(PDF, 689KB)
- 2002 Analysis and Recommendation(PDF, 3MB)
- 2004 Northeast Quadrant Analysis(PDF, 2MB)
- Excerpts of Previous Town Center Plans/Studies(PDF, 5MB)
- 1986 Washington Park - Escobedo Neighborhood Development Plan(PDF, 2MB)
- 2002 Broadway Corridor Community Charrette(PDF, 2MB)
- 1987 Mesa Town Center Conservation Areas(PDF, 7MB)
- 1994 Northeast Quadrant Action Plan(PDF, 8MB)
- 1989 Town Center Urban Design Program(PDF, 2MB)