Small Business Assistance

Small business assistance As part of establishing a business in Mesa, there are a few necessary steps to take. Each commercial space needs a Certificate of Occupancy and a Fire Safety Operational Permit. Some business operations require a Mesa issued licenses and/or State of Arizona Transaction Privilege Tax (TPT) license.

Please see information and resources in the tabs below to help you navigate the process.


Establishing or Relocating a Business in Mesa

Step 1

Confirm the business is allowed in the Zoning District - Contact Planning and Zoning at or call 480-644-2385.

Looking for a property’s Zoning District? Research an address on the Planning and Zoning Map.

Step 2

Certificate of Occupancy (C of O) is required
If you do not have a Certificate of Occupancy, please request a copy of the existing certificate and floor plan through a Document Retrieval Request or search online records(PDF, 183KB) .

If no Certificate of Occupancy is on file,  see  the Certificate of Occupancy tab.

Step 3

Contact Tax and Licensing departments for assistance with taxes and licensing requirements.

Step 4

Request a Fire Safety Operational Permit (FSOP)

Certificate of Occupancy


First Tenant - No Existing Occupancy

Speculative suites or spec suites are initially built for a nonspecific use, allowing a future business use and occupancy classification to be determined later. To finish the space and obtain a Certificate of Occupancy for a spec space, please submit a full set of drawings prepared, sealed and signed by a registered design professional for review and permitting. Submit the Commercial Permit request through the permit portal DIMES

  • Fees are based on the improvement’s construction costs. See pg. 4-6 of Development Services fee schedule(PDF, 1MB).
  • Once occupancy has been established, the suite will be considered an existing occupancy going forward.

Existing Occupancy or Change of Occupancy with Construction

A permit is required for alterations, additions, or modifications including but not limited to the following:

  • Building systems: electrical, plumbing, mechanical
  • Structural & Reconfigurations: interior / exterior structure and/or dividing walls
  • Operation specific: grease traps, floor drains, kilns, open flame devices, etc.
  • Safety: fire sprinklers/ suppression / alarms, access control, ADA
  • Lot changes: landscape, grading / drainage, driveway access
  • Storage: outdoor storage, high pile storage & racking, fencing / gate(s)

Commercial construction building permit requirements

  • Plans must demonstrate compliance with applicable governing codes and submitted for review through the DIMES system.
  • All work will need to be completed by a licensed contractor
  • A Certificate of Occupancy will be issued after inspections are passed and conditional holds are met.

If exterior façade improvements are needed, Planning and Zoning approval may be required prior to a tenant improvement permit being issued. Includes exterior paint color changes, landscape changes, and other site and design element & material changes. Contact

Existing Occupancy without Construction­

If no work is needed and the building or suite is move in ready and requires nothing more than painting, papering, tiling, carpeting, cabinets, countertops, and similar finish work and; the facility will be used the same way as its previously approved occupancy group and use, the following may proceed:

  • Duplicate C of O. Start with requesting Document Retrieval or provide proof of existing C of O prior to requesting a duplicate Certificate of Occupancy. Depending on findings, contact for more information.

  • Name Change. Same process as the duplicate C of O process. Note: Mesa does not require name changes on a C of O if the building use and occupancy class continues as originally permitted, although, some state agencies require the current business name on the C of O.

Change of Occupancy without Construction

Change of Occupancy permit (with inspection) is necessary if the occupancy classification or function within the building is changing but not increasing the concentrated use of the space. A building permit is required if there is a change in resource demand or intensity of use. Contact us by email or call 480-644-5600 for more information.

No Record of Existing Occupancy, Address, or Space Configuration

A permit (with inspection) is necessary if the occupancy classification, function, address, existing use or space layout is not confirmed through the document retrieval process. To obtain a current Certificate of Occupancy submit building plans for review through the DIMES system. Contact us by email or call 480-644-5600 for more information.

Home Occupations

Interested in Mesa’s requirements for a home based business? As an accessory use, occupants in a single Residence Zoning District can operate a home occupation that complies with Mesa’s Standards for Specific Uses and Activities, specifically Section 11-31-33 HOME OCCUPATIONS of the Mesa Zoning Ordinance (MZO). Detailed Residential Use Classification information can be found in Section 11-86-2 and Home Occupations are defined in MZO Title 11 Article 8 Chapter 87.

If you need site specific requirements or zoning verification for your home business, please provide an address so that the zoning district and applicable regulation can be determined by emailing a Planner of the Day at or by calling 480-644-4726.

Mesa Licensing and/or the State of Arizona may require a license as well. Be sure to contact Licensing directly with licensing.


Zoning Districts, Planning Case History, and more valuable information can be found by searching a Mesa Address on the Planning and Zoning Map

Need help understanding the map information?  Contact or call 480-644-4726

Need a Quarter Section Map, Utility Finder, or Traffic Counts? Want to know what Improvement Projects are in the works? We have a variety of maps and resources available online.

Understanding Terminology & Code

Certificate of Occupancy: A certificate issued after applicable building regulation requirements have successfully completed and building occupancy has been established. Such regulation steps include but are not limited to plan review, permit issuance, inspections and conditional holds. The certificate is an official document signed by the Building Official which lists the permit record, property address, business name, technical code edition, permissible occupancy group and use of space, and the total number of occupants allowed in the structure or space at any given time. Note: After the Certificate of Occupancy is issued, the ongoing compliance of the approved use, classification, and maximum number of allowed occupants permitted is checked during the regular fire inspection process.

Change of Occupancy:A change in the use of a building or a portion of a building that results in any of the following:

1. A change of occupancy classification.

2. A change from one group to another group within an occupancy classification.

3. Any change in use within a group for which there is a change in application of the requirements of this code.

  • 2018 MFC 7-2-2 Amendments to the 2018 International Fire Code. 102.3 Change of use or occupancy. A change of occupancy shall not be made unless the use or occupancy is made to comply with the requirements of this code and the International Existing Building Code.

Tenant Completion: The work performed by or on behalf of the initial tenant in a shell building, or space within a shell building, resulting in the completion and occupancy of the building or space.

Tenant Improvement: Work performed by or on behalf of a tenant in a completed building, or space within a building, that has previously received a Certificate of Occupancy.

Where in the Code?

Mesa Administrative Code – Building Regulation 4-1-4: - Permits. (A) Permits Required. Any owner or authorized agent who intends to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, demolish, or change the occupancy of a building or structure, or to erect, install, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, convert, or replace any electrical, gas, mechanical, or plumbing system, the installation of which is regulated by this Chapter or the technical codes, or to cause such work to be done, shall first make application to the Building Safety Director and obtain the required permit or permits:  

4-1-2(I) Existing Occupancy – The legal occupancy of any building or structure existing on the date of the adoption of Title 4 Chapter 4 Section 1 of Mesa Code of Ordinances shall be permitted to continue without change, provided such continued use is not dangerous to life, health, and safety as determined by the Building Safety Director. EXCEPTIONS: 1) Change in occupancy or use. Spaces undergoing a change in occupancy that would result in an increase in demand for either fossil fuel or electrical energy shall comply with this code. Where the use in a space changes from one use in Mesa Energy Code Table 505.5.2 to another use in Table 505.5.2, the installed lighting wattage shall comply with Section 505.5. 2) Change in space conditioning. Any non-conditioned space that is altered to become conditioned space shall be required to be brought into full compliance with this code.

Department Resources

Zoning (Planning) - Verify zoning to ensure the business operation is a permissible use for the zoning district.

Which Council District is my business in? -Use the Explore Mesa map to learn more about important contacts for your Council District.

Permits Development Services
Sign Permits, Certificate of Occupancy, Commercial Tenant Improvement & remodeling permits coordinated through Development Services.

Backflow Prevention
Obtain a permit through the Department of Development Services prior to installing backflow protection in a commercial or industrial setting. The Water Quality Services office maintains a list of premises requiring backflow prevention assemblies(PDF, 231KB).

Economic Development

Environmental Requirements for Construction

Energy Information for Business & Construction

Irrigation Service
We serve approximately 300 irrigation customers between Mesa Drive and Country Club, and 8th Street and 8th Avenue.

Industrial Pretreatment Restaurant and food truck grease interceptor (grease trap) information, Grease Removal Device (GRD) and Pretreatment Inspection.

General business and specialty licenses.

Transaction Privilege (TPT) Tax
Apply for Transaction Privilege Sales & Use Tax (TPT) License through Arizona Department of Revenue (AZDOR)

Trash & Recycle Service
Mesa's Environmental Management & Sustainability Department offers an extensive array of full-service, cost-effective solid waste programs and services to Mesa businesses and multi-unit communities. Roll-off rentals, dumpsters, barrels, disposal and recycle information, see their options  and rates online.

Mesa electric, gas, water, wastewater, sewer, trash and recycling provider contract information.

Downtown Mesa Business Resources

District 4 Councilmember Jenn Duff
Vice Mayor Duff is a supportive proponent of business with a passionate focus on Downtown Mesa growth and sustainability. Feel free to reach out to Jen with any questions or thoughts.

Downtown Transformation (Office of Urban Transformation)
See active projects, explore partnerships, scout redevelopment opportunities, and follow the progress of Mesa’s downtown transformation.

Downtown Mesa Association
The Downtown Mesa Association is a private, non-profit organization dedicated to the beneficial economic growth and business development of downtown Mesa, the cityʼs central business district and original square-mile townsite. We accomplish this through policy development, advocacy, and program management functions conducted on behalf of downtown property and business owners, and in cooperation with public and other private-sector partners.

Local First - Change Starts Locally
A culture that is best represented by local businesses and the unique experiences that they create. Local First’s mission to build that hometown pride that helps people step up and invest in Arizona’s economy.

County, State and Federal Resources

Arizona 811 - Call Before You Dig

Arizona Small Business Association & Administration
Whether you are already up and running or just getting started, the Arizona Small Business Association can help. ASBA provides benefits to the small business community including information, lending, networking, insurance, workshops, and seminars.

Arizona Business Resources
Checklists, resource links, form links, guides, programs, webinars, and more.

Arizona Corporation Commission
Reserve a business entity name, register a new Corporation or Limited Liability Company (LLC) or update business operation records.

Arizona Department of Insurance and Financial Institutions
State of Arizona information, guidance, and resources for all types of insurance policies.

Arizona Licensed Contractors - Arizona Registrar of Contractors
Find a licensed contractor through the AZ ROC.

Arizona Liquor License - Arizona Department of Liquor Licenses and Control
The process starts with the State. Once the State has approved the liquor application, the application will be forwarded to the City of Mesa Licensing Office at which time you will be contacted by a City of Mesa representative.

Food Establishments, Food Carts & Food Safety
Need to obtain a Food Handlers Card, get a food cart inspected or have general questions?  Check out the links to get you started. 

If you are requesting a Food Permit through Maricopa County for the first time, you are encouraged to call 602-506-3301 before beginning the permit process. Note: Maricopa County will no longer issue Food Service Worker cards. Maricopa County still requires all food employees be trained and that documentation of this training be maintained at the food establishment.

Employer Identification Number (EIN) - Internal Revenue Service
Apply for Internal Revenue Service (IRS) issued Employer Identification Number (EIN), if applicable.'

Trade Name & Trademark Registration - Arizona Secretary of State
Protect your intellectual property by registering your trade name, trademark, partnership name, or “Doing Business As” (DBA) name with the state.