Certificate of Occupancy: A certificate issued after applicable building regulation requirements have successfully completed and building occupancy has been established. Such regulation steps include but are not limited to plan review, permit issuance, inspections and conditional holds. The certificate is an official document signed by the Building Official which lists the permit record, property address, business name, technical code edition, permissible occupancy group and use of space, and the total number of occupants allowed in the structure or space at any given time. Note: After the Certificate of Occupancy is issued, the ongoing compliance of the approved use, classification, and maximum number of allowed occupants permitted is checked during the regular fire inspection process.
Change of Occupancy:A change in the use of a building or a portion of a building that results in any of the following:
1. A change of occupancy classification.
2. A change from one group to another group within an occupancy classification.
3. Any change in use within a group for which there is a change in application of the requirements of this code.
- 2018 MFC 7-2-2 Amendments to the 2018 International Fire Code. 102.3 Change of use or occupancy. A change of occupancy shall not be made unless the use or occupancy is made to comply with the requirements of this code and the International Existing Building Code.
Tenant Completion: The work performed by or on behalf of the initial tenant in a shell building, or space within a shell building, resulting in the completion and occupancy of the building or space.
Tenant Improvement: Work performed by or on behalf of a tenant in a completed building, or space within a building, that has previously received a Certificate of Occupancy.
Where in the Code?
Mesa Administrative Code – Building Regulation 4-1-4: - Permits. (A) Permits Required. Any owner or authorized agent who intends to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, demolish, or change the occupancy of a building or structure, or to erect, install, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, convert, or replace any electrical, gas, mechanical, or plumbing system, the installation of which is regulated by this Chapter or the technical codes, or to cause such work to be done, shall first make application to the Building Safety Director and obtain the required permit or permits:
4-1-2(I) Existing Occupancy – The legal occupancy of any building or structure existing on the date of the adoption of Title 4 Chapter 4 Section 1 of Mesa Code of Ordinances shall be permitted to continue without change, provided such continued use is not dangerous to life, health, and safety as determined by the Building Safety Director. EXCEPTIONS: 1) Change in occupancy or use. Spaces undergoing a change in occupancy that would result in an increase in demand for either fossil fuel or electrical energy shall comply with this code. Where the use in a space changes from one use in Mesa Energy Code Table 505.5.2 to another use in Table 505.5.2, the installed lighting wattage shall comply with Section 505.5. 2) Change in space conditioning. Any non-conditioned space that is altered to become conditioned space shall be required to be brought into full compliance with this code.