
Engineering manages the design and construction of Mesa infrastructure projects including the procurement of these services. We also coordinate with private developers and other entities, such as non-city utilities, to ensure that our infrastructure is built to Mesa standards and the land and rights of way are used for the benefit of the public.

Engineering Design

Engineering Design utilizes both Mesa and consultant staff to perform analysis, design and bidding of all of Mesa's capital projects with more than 80% of all projects designed by Consulting Architecture, Landscape Architecture and Engineering firms. Staff is comprised of professional and para-professional personnel, including Registered Professional Engineers, Registered Landscape Architects, Registered Architects, Engineering and Architectural Designers, and Engineering and Architectural CADD Technicians. These projects fall into a variety of categories, including:

  • Airport Facilities
  • All City-Owned Buildings
  • Developer Projects (City Share exceeding $100,000)
  • Natural Gas System Facilities
  • Parks & Recreation Facilities
  • Special Improvement Districts
  • Street Transportation Facilities
  • Wastewater System Facilities
  • Water System Facilities

Design FAQs

How does Engineering Design notify interested firms when you are soliciting Statement of Qualifications?
We advertise our projects in the Saturday Legal Ads in the East Valley Tribune, and we post the RFQ on our web page under the Architectural / Engineering Design Opportunities

We do not do direct mass mailings of advertisements. Outside Services, such as Integrated Marketing Systems, Dodge Reports or Reed Construction Data may report information as well, however, these services are unofficial and should be verified.

How does a consultant know what projects Engineering Design has in the future?
There are two sources for that information. All of the projects we will perform are listed in the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and are available at the City Clerk's office. 

Projects that we will be soliciting statements of qualifications for are listed on our web site under the heading of Architectural/Engineering Design Opportunities.

How do we get a copy of the Engineering Design Standards?
We use the Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) standards and Mesa supplements to MAG. See Mesa Design Standards or they can be purchased at 55 North Center Street for a nominal cost. Review MAG details or MAG Uniform Standard Specification and Details for Public Works Construction.

Does Engineering Design have special requirements that firms need to know about?
We have boilerplate contracts that are non-negotiable located at Engineering Contracts. These contracts include specific insurance requirements that must be met before a contract can be signed, including an insurance certificate form that must be completed.  We advise any interested firms to review these documents thoroughly and verify that your insurer will complete the required form before you expend resources pursuing Mesa work. 

Once a firm is on the Engineering Design list, how do they get work?
We select either through direct selection or through a qualifications based selection.

Direct selection is done when the project is completely locally funded and is under the fee limits set forth in State Law ($250,000 for Architecture and Landscape Architecture, $500,000 for Engineering). 

Qualifications based selection is done when State or Federal funding is being used on the project, or when the project is locally funded but the fee is expected to exceed the limits set forth in State Law.

Does Engineering Design use consultants for design work, and if so, what type of firms?
We currently use consultants for approximately 80% of the projects we perform. Because of the variety of project types, we contract directly with Architects, Landscape Architects, and Civil, Environmental, Structural, Mechanical and Electrical Engineers. 


Engineering Construction

Engineering Construction utilizes both Mesa and consultant staff to perform contract administration, inspections of Mesa's capital projects and work done in the public right-of-way by private developers, utilities and materials testing.