Liquor License


Any person who sells liquor in Arizona must apply for a liquor license with the Arizona Department of Liquor Licenses and Control. The State will forward all applications for businesses in Mesa to the licensing office.

For Special Event Liquor License, visit the Special Event License page

Posting and Comment Period

Upon receiving the application, we will post a sign on the proposed business premises. The posting must remain up for 20 calendar days.

Any person who resides or who owns or leases property within one mile of the applicant's premises may submit written comments or petitions to Mesa stating whether they are for or against the application within the 20-day posting period. No arguments shall be filed or accepted by Mesa thereafter. Written comments or petitions should be mailed or emailed to us.

In addition, any person, no matter where they live, who wishes to speak before the Mesa City Council concerning a liquor license application may do so at a public hearing. The City Council holds a public hearing on each application immediately prior to voting on whether to recommend approval or denial of the application to the State Liquor Board.


Mesa is required to have the recommendation back to the State within 60 days of the receipt of the application. Mesa has no control over the processing of a license application after the City Council makes its recommendation to the State Liquor Board.

If the City Council recommends denial of a liquor license, the State Liquor Board will schedule a hearing on the application, at which time a Mesa representative and the applicant may present their cases. The City Attorney's Office represents Mesa at all hearings before the State Liquor Board. The City Attorney's Office does not represent individual residents or neighborhood groups at the State Liquor Board hearings.

Liquor License Status

Extension of Premises

An Extension of Premises is an extension of the existing area occupied by the licensee and can be either permanent or temporary.

ARS 4-207.01; Rule R19-1-311 "No licensee shall change or alter the physical arrangement of his licensed premises so as to include greater space or the use of different or additional entrances, without having first submitted a diagram of the proposed alterations for prior approval. (This includes outdoor patio tables within the boundaries of the licensee's property.) The diagram must be submitted for approval for a temporary, as well as a permanent extension of premises."

The State application is submitted to the city where the business is located. Upon approval by the city, the application must be taken to the Arizona Department of Liquor Licenses and Control for their approval.  


Application Fee (all series) - $100

Issuance Fee

  • Series 1 - 4, 8 and 13 - $2,000
  • Series 6, 7 - $2,000
  • Series 9, 10, 11, 12 - $2,000
  • Series 14 - $2,000

Annual Fee (due Dec. 31)

  • Series 1 - 4, 8 and 13 - $500
  • Series 6, 7, 9, 10, 14 - $550

Late Fee (after Dec. 31) - 20% of renewal rate