Right of Way Management Group


The Right of Way Management Group oversees construction activities within the public rights-of-way (ROW). This includes regulating the construction work of private utility companies and wireless carriers that maintain infrastructure within or adjacent to roadways. Through permitting and planning, the ROW Group ensures coordinated construction efforts, minimizes public inconvenience, and facilitates proper street repairs. We encourage new development, while at the same time protecting the integrity of the public ROW. 

Definition of Rights-of-Way (ROW)

The ROW is land owned and/or managed by the City that is designated for public use and access. ROW typically includes the street surface, sidewalks, and landscaped areas between pavement and property lines. The boundaries of the ROW will vary at any given location. ROW locations can be found using the Maricopa County Interactive Parcel Maps/PlanNet

General Information

ROW users are encouraged to be familiar with the following regulations and standards governing the public ROW:

  • Mesa City Code
  • Uniform Standard Specifications and Details for Public Works Construction sponsored and distributed by the Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) as amended
  • Mesa’s Engineering and Design Standards
  • Approved Product List and Technical Specifications, National Electric Code (NEC)
  • National Electric Safety Code (NESC)
  • OSHA regulations
  • FCC Radio Frequency Exposure Guidelines (FCC OET Bulletin 65)
  • IEEE C95.1 2005 Standards
  • and all other applicable laws and regulations

Licensing and Other Requirements

All telecommunications providers who desire to construct, install, operate, or maintain telecommunications facilities in the public rights-of-way or public utility easements must first obtain a Communication License. Mesa City Code Chapter 14 provides additional information.

Cable television and telecommunications providers who provide cable television services, programs or signals must obtain a Uniform Video Service License Agreement from the City. Mesa City Code applicable to video service can be found in Title 9, Chapter 7.

To begin the licensing/franchising process, complete the General Communication, Cable, and/or Wireless License or Franchise Application(PDF, 525KB) and submit the required documents to Lori Greco at lori.greco@mesaaz.gov or mail to:

Mesa Right of Way Manager
Attn: Lori Greco
PO Box 1466
Mesa, AZ

Fees and Charges

The schedule of Fees and Charges(PDF, 1021KB) sets the cost for any activity or service governed by this Section, including small wireless facilities.

Utility Permits (Non-City Utility)

The ROW Management Group issues Utility (UTL) Permits to companies that have secured license or franchise agreements. These permits grant authorization to install private utilities within the public ROW in accordance with Mesa City Code.

For more information, please see Mesa Design Standards.

Permits are processed through the online permitting system.

Construction Notice information is also processed using in the online permitting system. View Utility (EMS Construction Notice) help guide(PDF, 2MB) .

Small Wireless Facilities (SWF)

Permitting, placement, spacing, construction, installation and maintenance of SWF, utility poles, monopoles and wireless support structures in our ROW as defined by A.R.S. § 9-591, et seq., and recognized in the Small Wireless Facility Terms and Conditions(PDF, 135KB). SWF on Mesa Electric poles or equipment require a separate wireless license.

Read more about installation of SWF(PDF, 49KB)

SWF Resources

Interactive Map - SWF locations and Interference Sensitivity Zones (ITZ) Locations
This map allows wireless carriers to view Mesa street light locations, streetlight addresses, and pole types to comply with the Small Wireless Facilities (SWF) Terms and Conditions and City Standards. Additionally, this map will show for which locations wireless carriers have expressed exploratory interest. To comply with the submittal requirements set forth in the Standards, the map shows the Interference Sensitivity Zones (ITZ) for further testing. Maps will be updated and refreshed on a monthly basis and should not be considered “real-time” data. Moreover, maps are for informational purposes and the City of Mesa makes no claims concerning the accuracy of the maps nor assumes any liability resulting from the use of the information herein.

Conduit Use

The cost of building network infrastructure is a significant factor for companies looking to expand their services to homes and businesses. To assist with this, the City will review conduit rental and repurposed pipe requests from companies that have existing license agreements with the City.

Micro-Trench Construction for Microtechnology

Permitting, placement, spacing, construction, installation and maintenance of micro-trenching in the ROW. Micro-Trench Citywide Maintenance Program can be found in the Engineering Design Standards; Section 713.7.

Utility Coordination Resources