Special Event License

A Special Event is a temporary use in all zoning districts which:

  • Is intended for purposes of entertainment, education, commercial promotion, or cultural, religious, ethnic, or political expression. 
  • Is conducted on public or private property on a site or in an area which may not be specifically zoned, authorized, or otherwise approved for such use on a permanent basis.
  • Is carried on in a temporary structure, or outside.
  • May occur in conjunction with an existing permitted use or as a separate activity.
  • Included events are parades, sporting events, circuses, fairs, carnivals, festivals, religious revivals, political rallies, vehicle shows and displays, and similar recognized temporary activities.
  • Shall not include wedding and funeral ceremonies, holiday boutiques, elections, private yard sales, Christmas tree and pumpkin sales lots, and charity car washes.

See Special Event Ordinance

The processing time for the various application requirements can take up to 90 days. Please be sure to start your process well in advance of your event. We recommend that license application be submitted PRIOR to any event advertising.

How to Apply

Step 1.Determine if you need a license

Schedule a pre-event consultation to determine your license requirements. Start this process as early as possible to allow time for the various processing requirements.

Schedule Consultation

Step 2.Review requirement details

If a license is required, review the content of this page and the Special Event Handbook prior to completing your application. This will help you gather the information needed for your application.

Special Event Handbook(PDF, 1MB)

Step 3.Complete application attachments

Depending on the activities at your event, there may be several attachment documents that will be included with your license application. The documents are provided in on this page. We recommend completing the attachments prior to starting the application so they are ready for upload as you apply.

Step 4.Apply

Once you have had your consultation with the Special Events office, you will be provided the access to apply.


Need help with the online application? Visit the DIMES How to Guides for Licensing

$50 per event; maximum 4 consecutive days
At least 14 calendar days prior to event
Large - No public right-of-way restrictions
$100 per consecutive day up to 4; maximum $300 fee
At least 30 calendar days prior to event
Large - With public right-of-way restrictions
$100 per consecutive day up to 4; maximum $300 fee
At least 90 calendar days prior to event

Event size will be determined by the Special Events team. All fees are non-refundable and due at the time of application submittal.

If a complete application for a Special Event license is not submitted to us as outlined, an expedited fee equal to 50% of the total application fees due will be assessed. Payment of the expedited fee does not guarantee the completion of the application process and issuance of a license prior to your event date.

When completing the application, answer each question completely and provide as much detail as possible. Include all applicable attachments and documentation with submission. Submitting an incomplete application will delay the process and may result in the denial of a license. 

If your event will extend for more than four (4) consecutive days and/or will recur at the same location more than four (4) times within the current calendar year, then a Special Use Permit (SUP) must be obtained and submitted with your Special Event application. The SUP process is initiated through the Planning office and may take an average of 60-90 days to complete.  

Attachment A - Fire Safety(PDF, 283KB)

Attachment B - Liquor(PDF, 309KB)

Attachment C - Fireworks(PDF, 648KB)

Attachment D - Parade(PDF, 156KB)

Attachment E - Special Use(PDF, 119KB)

Attachment F - Streets & Traffic(PDF, 185KB)

Attachment G - Entertainment(PDF, 154KB)

Event Vendor List(XLSX, 14KB)

Special Event Letter of Approval(PDF, 127KB)

After the initial review of the special event application, you will be notified within 10 calendar days if proof of insurance is required for your event.

The insurance certificate obtained must name the “City of Mesa, its officers, agents, staff, and elected officials” as additional insured. The coverage amounts required will vary based on the type of event and activities involved.

Approval of the insurance certificate must be obtained from the City Attorney’s office before the special event license can be issued.   

The type of events that generally require proof of insurance are listed below. The list provided serves as a sample and is not all inclusive.

  • Events that include public right-of-way restrictions/closure (streets, alleyways, sidewalks, etc.)
  • Events that include pyrotechnics
  • Events that include liquor
  • Events that include carnivals, hot air balloons, inflatables
  • Events held in city facilities and parks or on city property
  • Events that include the use of a vehicle
  • Events that include live animals
  • Parades

After the initial review of the Special Event application, the Mesa Police Department will assess the security needs for your event. If the inclusion of police off-duty officers is a required condition of approval, visit the Off Duty Employment page to obtain information on how to apply, the current rates, and the appropriate documentation that must be submitted to start the hiring process. 

All officer staffing requests must be submitted at least three (3) weeks prior to the event date.

Events that will include merchandise or food vendors require the submission of a preliminary vendor list to the Licensing office at the time of application and a final vendor list submitted within 14 calendar days after the event has ended.

The vendor list should include:

  1. Event Details
  2. Event Organizer Details
  3. Vendor Details

The preliminary vendor list must be submitted to the Licensing office at the time of the Special Event application submittal using the approved Event Vendor List form(XLSX, 14KB)

The final Event Vendor List must be submitted on the same form to specialevents@mesaaz.gov.

**Failure to submit the vendor list will result in non-issuance of a license for the event and may affect your eligibility for a license for any future events. 

Food / Mobile Food Vendors

Events with participating food and mobile food vendors must also be registered with the Maricopa County Environmental Service Department. You can do this by submitting the online Special Event Coordinator Event Registration Form at least 30 days prior to the event.

It shall be the event organizer’s responsibility to ensure that all participating food and mobile food vendors have obtained all necessary City, State, & County licenses, permits and inspections.  All mobile food vendors must have a valid annual fire inspection to operate and be in compliance with Title 5 and Title 7 of the Mesa City Code.

View current list of food vendors(PDF, 78KB)   who are able to participate at events in Mesa


Notice to Vendors

If you plan to sell goods or services at an event in Mesa, you will be required to obtain an Arizona Transaction Privilege Sales Tax (TPT) license from the Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR). Your valid TPT license and all other required State, City, and County permits must be displayed at your booth while you are operating at the event. If you already have an existing Arizona TPT license, then only the addition of the Mesa region code (ME) will be needed.

The Special Event code (MCC, Title 5, Chapter 1) does not provide an exemption for those vendors selling antique, secondhand goods, liquor, offering auctioneer and fortune telling services, or operating a food truck. If you will be providing any of these listed goods or services, then a secondary Mesa specialty license must also be obtained. Please allow 6-8 weeks for application processing. You can find out more information about these licenses on the Licensing page.

A special event liquor license allows a charitable, civic, fraternal, political or religious organization to sell and serve spirituous liquor for consumption only on the premises where the spirituous liquor is sold, and only for the period authorized on the license. This is a temporary license. The qualifying organization must receive at least twenty-five percent (25%) of the gross revenues of the special events.

The applicant must complete and submit the following with the special event license application:

Various departments will review the application. Upon approval, the City Council will review the event and make a recommendation of approval or denial. Upon approval by the City Council, the application must be taken to the Arizona Department of Liquor Licenses and Control for their approval. Plan on a minimum of 60 days to complete this process.

Extension of Premises

An Extension of Premises is an extension of the existing area occupied by a current licensee and can be either permanent or temporary. There is no fee involved with the Extension of Premises.

The applicant must complete and submit the following with the special event license application:

Various departments will review the application. Upon approval, the application must be taken to the Arizona Department of Liquor Licenses and Control for their approval.