The safe and reasonable flow of pedestrian traffic should always be maintained. If an existing pedestrian facility is impacted by a short-term or short-duration work area, establishing and alternative pedestrian route may not be necessary if the work can be halted and pedestrians can continue to use the existing pedestrian facility in a safe manner. This shall be determined by Temporary Traffic Control (TTC) staff.
If a pedestrian facility must be intermittently closed due to conflict with construction activities, pedestrian spotter(s) shall be deployed at the work area for the entire duration of time the closure is in place. Pedestrians may be delayed for short periods of time for project personnel to remove obstructions or overhead hazards to ensure safe passage.
Pedestrian spotters’ sole duties shall be monitoring for pedestrians, alerting project personnel of approaching pedestrians, and provide assistance to pedestrians with disabilities as needed. The spotter shall always stay focused on these duties and avoid distractions (no use of cell phones, headphones, etc.). At no time shall pedestrian spotters redirect or escort pedestrians away from the existing pedestrian facility. Spotters shall always wear high visibility apparel. Flaggers or off-duty officers may be used as pedestrian spotters but are not required.
Additional warning signs and/or ADA compliant channelizing devices may be used with pedestrian spotters to support safe passage of the pedestrian facility through the work area. A Temporary Pedestrian Access Plan (TPAP) may be required by TTC Staff for review.