Documents / Forms
- Enrollment Kit(PDF, 752KB)
- Claim Submission Tools(PDF, 102KB)
- Expense Estimation Worksheet(PDF, 158KB)
- Carry Over Information(PDF, 204KB)
- Cool Features(PDF, 528KB)
- Day Care FSA(PDF, 2MB)
- FSA 50 Ways(PDF, 2MB)
- Navia Debit Card(PDF, 247KB)
- Debit Card Options(PDF, 50KB)
- Online Debit Card Substantiation
- Navia Tech(PDF, 303KB)
How do I register online with Navia?
Registering your account at Navia is easy. Simply follow these steps to register:
- Go to
- Click on the Register button on the top right of your screen.
- Click on the “I’m a Participant” option and make sure you have the following information:
- Last Name, First Initial
- E-mail Address
- Employer Code: CM9
- Last four digits of your social security number/employee ID
- Date of Birth
- Choose a User Name
- Answer three security questions
Do not forget to review and accept the 'Terms and Conditions'. After clicking 'Submit' for online access, you will receive an email confirmation with a temporary link to set your password and complete your registration.
Can I use my health care debit card to pay for services incurred in the previous plan year?
No. If the current plan year has expired, you should file claims manually. A debit card transaction is processed with an assumed date of service equal to the date of the card swipe; therefore it would pull money from the current plan year instead of the previous plan year. Keep this in mind if you receive services or have expenses towards the end of a plan year and are waiting for the EOB from your insurance company.
I used my debit card at the doctor's or dentist's office, a qualified merchant, but I was still required to submit substantiation. Why?
While most procedures performed in a doctor's or dentist's office are eligible expenses, some procedures are not. For example, some dentists perform teeth whitening, which is not eligible. Or the date of service may have been from a prior year. Therefore, the IRS requires that Navia receive documentation to identify the service performed is an eligible expense.
What if I don't submit substantiation for my claim?
You will receive monthly notifications that substantiation is required. If you fail to submit required substantiation with in 120 days, your payment card will be temporarily suspended until you refund the ineligible amount. If you fail to reimburse the account, the amount of the ineligible expense(s) may be added to your taxable wages. Make sure to keep your receipts in case IRS requires you to present them for verification during tax return.
What information needs to be included for substantiation of claims?
An Explanation of Benefits (EOB) provides all the necessary information required to substantiate your claim. If an EOB is not available, your substantiation MUST include the following information:
1. Name of patient
2. Date of service
3. Name and address of service provider/merchant
4. Description of the service or expense provided
5. Amount charged
I received a notification stating I need to submit substantiation for a claim. Now what?
If substantiation for a claim is required, you will receive a notification from Navia requesting “supporting documentation” to substantiate your debit card Health FSA usage. DO NOT IGNORE IT. Follow up and submit all the required documentation as soon as possible, but definitely within any time frames specified on the documentation request. If you believe you have already submitted documentation to substantiate your claim in response to a previous notification, and you continue to receive the same notice for that claim, this does not mean that Navia has overlooked your previous submission. It could mean:
a. You really did not submit the documentation
b. You submitted documentation, but ALL OF THE IRS REQUIRED DETAILS were NOT included, or
c. You submitted documentation for another service unrelated to the claim that is causing the substantiation request.
If this happens to you, we suggest that you call Navia Customer Service immediately at 800-669-3539. A Navia Customer Representative can assist you in clarifying and confirming the exact details that may have been missing in your initial submission and help you resolve your substantiation requirements.
The most common problem that arises is “all the IRS required details were not provided”. For example, a cash register or credit card receipt (even one you get from a doctor’s office) is unlikely to have all the information you need to satisfy IRS guidelines – and Navia and our City Health FSA Plan are obligated to follow these IRS guidelines. Needed data includes: name of patient, date of service, provider details, service descriptions, billed charges, your out-of-pocket liability etc. – all of which is contained on an Explanation of Benefits document but may not be all inclusive on a receipt, statement, invoice or other documentation.
How do I obtain an Explanation of Benefits (EOB) to substantiate my Health FSA claim?
Members can obtain EOBs from Cigna and Delta Dental member portal websites. To obtain a Cigna medical or behavioral health EOB, log in to with your username and password. Select the “Claims” tab at the top of the page, then select the family member’s claims you want to view. You will see a list of claims for that person. Click on the “Download EOB (PDF)” link on the claim you want, and you will be able to view, download or print your EOB.
To obtain a Delta Dental EOB, go to and sign into the Member Portal with your username and password. Select the “Claims” option at the top of the page, then select the family member’s claims you want to view. You will see a list of claims for that person. Click on the “View” button on the claim you want, and you will be able to view, download or print your EOB.
Vision Service Plan (VSP) does not issue EOBs when you receive vision services through the VSP vision plans. Instead, you can substantiate a vision FSA claim with either an itemized statement/receipt directly from your vision provider or you can view, download or print a VSP Vision Benefit Statement (VBS).
To view a VSP Vision Benefit Statement for you or a covered family member:
- Log in to with your member username and password.
- Select the link at the top of the page for “Member Details” to select the family member’s VBS you want to view and click “Update Details”.
- Scroll down to see the “Your Benefit & Claim History” tile and click on the “View Previous Visits” button.
- Click on the plus (+) symbol to view recent Vision Benefit Statements, then click on the PDF icon by the VBS you want to view, download or print.
Alternatively, you can submit an itemized vision services statement/receipt provided to you by your vision provider to substantiate your FSA claim. The documentation from the provider must include the following information:
- Name of patient
- Date of service
- Name and address of the service provider
- Description of the service or materials provided
- Amount charged that is your responsibility