Health & Wellness Programs

Wellness is an active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a healthy and fulfilling life. It is more than being free from illness; it is a dynamic process of change and growth.

Health and Wellness Center

All Mesa active employee and retiree medical plan members (including covered family members) have access to the Mesa Health and Wellness Center for primary and preventive care services free of charge. In addition, health and wellness classes and programs for employees are also available to retiree medical plan members. Most classes are online and recorded for later access (some classes may be in-person), and there is no charge. Topics include Diabetes Education, Disease Management, Financial Well-Being, Healthy Mind, Mindful Eating/Weight Management, Nutrition, and Stress Management. Contact for more information, schedules/topics and how to register.

Mesa Health & Wellness Center

Mesa Wellness 360

Our Wellness Mission
The Mesa Wellness 360 Program aims to improve the quality of life of our employees and families by building a culture of health through education, motivation and engagement of all employees and their families to participate in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

We have a variety of interactive, educational, and innovative activities addressing the eight dimensions of wellness.

Benefits of Participating

  • Improve your health and well-being
  • Share in the experience with coworkers and family members
  • Learn about your health and healthy behaviors
  • Make “healthy” the way we do things in Mesa

Activities and Events

  • Challenges and Competitions
  • Classes and Education Programs
  • Fairs and Onsite Screenings
  • Fitness Discounts
  • Health Assessments & Coaching
  • Newsletters, Weekly Recipes and Tips

Who Can Participate and How

  • Active benefited employees enrolled in a City of Mesa medical plan are eligible to earn rewards for logging activities on their rewards page. Benefited employees can invite their spouses/committed partners who are also enrolled in a Mesa medical plan (Basic, Choice or Copay) to earn rewards by logging activities.

  • Non-benefited employees have a unique rewards page with the opportunity to earn raffle entries by logging activities on their rewards page.

  • Seasonal or contracted employees, dependents and retirees are not eligible for the Mesa Wellness 360 Program currently. 

  • Retired benefited Mesa employees are welcome to participate in classes and webinars (in-person and virtual).

  • All programs and activities are completely voluntary and are a benefit to Mesa employees.