Human Resources

Our Purpose

To ensure all departments are supported and provided guidance in recruiting, hiring, and selecting the most qualified applicants into our diverse workforce. Providing employees with support, professional learning and development in a safe and healthy work environment with competitive, accurate salary and benefits compensation which aides in employee satisfaction and retention.

Who We Are

Human Resources provides the full range of HR services to approximately 5,000 City employees. The medical benefits programs and Workers Compensation services are fully self-funded and Workers Compensation is self-administered. The Human Resources Department is dedicated to providing services in:

  • Recruitment/Testing/Selection
  • Benefits
  • Compensation/Classification
  • Employee Development/Training
  • Employee Relations
  • Safety/Workers Compensation
  • Time and Labor

We focus on delivering the highest quality of HR service, and value our partnerships with employees, supervisors, managers, and directors.  We continually seek new ways to improve our services and satisfy the needs of our customers.

Mandatory Employment Postings

Federal and Arizona laws require postings of various notices in any workplace on bulletin boards used for posting information about jobs.

Generally, federal workplace posters must be displayed or posted in conspicuous places where they are easily visible to all employees -- the intended audience. The FMLA, EEO, and EPPA posters are also required to be placed where they can be seen by applicants for employment.

Printed notices should be made available in an accessible format, as needed, to persons with disabilities that limit the ability to see or read. Notices can be recorded on an audio cassette or read to applicants or employees with disabilities that limit seeing or reading ability.

Departments post the following on bulletin boards in locations such as break rooms, restroom hallways and online where they are easily visible to all employees.

Arizona Postings

Federal Postings