Human Relations Advisory Board

Agendas & Minutes

Public Participation

Members of the Human Relations Advisory Board will attend meetings either in person or remotely. The public is encouraged to participate in monthly meetings. There are opportunities to speak on items both on the agenda and not on the agenda during the section titled “Items from Citizens Present.” Typically, speakers are allotted three minutes.

Members of the public can engage with the Human Relations Advisory Board:

  • In Person: Attend a meeting and complete a blue comment card upon arrival.
  • Online: Submit an online comment card at least 1 hour before the meeting starts. Options include commenting by phone, having your comments read aloud, or submitting written comments to the Board Chair. 

decorativeBoard Responsibilities

The Human Relations Advisory Board provides advice to the City Council on issues impacting the delivery of city services to residents, businesses, and visitors of Mesa. The Board recommends policies aimed at addressing these issues and serves as a platform for public input. Board members, who are appointed for staggered three-year terms, help ensure a well-rounded representation of community interests.

Board Members

Board Member Date Appointed Term Expires
 Christiana Hammond -Chair  6/30/21  6/30/27
 Nina Allred -Vice Chair  6/20/22  6/30/25
 Abram Ellsworth  7/3/23 6/30/26 
Jane Williams-Cooper 8/22/24 6/30/25
Mary Redwing 6/17/24 6/30/25
 Oscar White  6/20/22  6/30/25
Perla Sandberg 6/17/24 6/30/26
Sabrina Dobson 8/17/23 6/30/26
Vacant Seat 6/19/23 6/30/27
 William Campos  7/1/23 6/30/27
Yudidt Nonthe Sanchez 6/30/21 6/30/27