City Council Meetings

Meeting Accessibility

We are committed to making public meetings accessible to persons with disabilities. For special accommodations, please contact the City Manager’s Office at 480-644-3333 or AZRelay 7-1-1 at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting.

Si necesita asistencia o servicio de interpretación en Español, comuníquese con la Ciudad al menos 48 horas antes de la reunion al 480-644-2767.

Schedule & Location

Study Session
7:30 a.m.
City Hall (lower level)
20 E. Main St.

Study Session (prior to Council Meeting)
Every first and third Monday of the month
4:30 p.m. (time may vary, check calendar or agenda for each meeting for correct time)
City Hall (lower level)
20 E. Main St.

Council Meetings
Every first and third Monday of the month
5:45 p.m.
City Hall (upper level)
20 E. Main St.

Council meeting locations, days and times may change. Please check the calendar or agenda for the correct meeting information.

Public Participation at Regular Council Meetings

We believe that providing access for citizens to communicate with the Council is vital for a strong representative local government.

All council meetings are open to the public to attend in-person or electronically by watching live on local cable Mesa 11, YouTube and Facebook.

Members of the public can address their comments to the Council in the following ways:

Speak in Person

Participants may complete a blue speaker comment card upon arrival at the meeting, or download a copy of comment card(PDF, 48KB) and give to the City Clerk prior to the start of the meeting. Each speaker is limited to three minutes, unless otherwise determined by the Mayor. If you are with a group, please designate a spokesperson.

Councilmembers are not generally permitted to discuss or take legal action on any matters raised by the public that are not specifically on the agenda. Citizens may speak on any agendized items and under “Items from Citizens Present.” For agendized items, comments should be relevant to the item being discussed. During “Items from Citizens Present,” the speaker may address the Council on more general issues.

Speak Telephonically

Persons attending a meeting telephonically may speak on a specific agenda item only. Telephone comments are generally not available for "Items from Citizens Present."

  • Submit an online comment card at least 1 hour prior to the start of the meeting.
  • Phone number is required on the form. Participants who want to speak can attend a meeting by calling 888-788-0099 or 877-853-5247 (toll free) using meeting ID 825 0808 5605 prior to the start of the meeting. Participants will be unmuted when it is their turn to speak.

Provide Agenda-Related Online Comments

Persons who wish to provide an agenda related comment for Council review are welcome to complete the online comment card no later than 7:00 a.m. on the day of the meeting.

Online comments will be provided to the Council prior to the meeting and will also be made available to the public on this page prior to the meeting. Online comments will generally not be read aloud at the meeting.


Written feedback to the Council regarding agenda items is always accepted by emailing

Meeting Decorum

All persons attending the Council meeting are asked to observe the rules of politeness, propriety, decorum and good conduct. Anyone disrupting the meeting will be asked to leave or will be removed and may not be allowed to return.

Study Sessions

All study sessions are open to the public to attend in-person, telephonically by calling 888-788-0099 or 877-853-5247 (toll free) using meeting ID 825 0808 5605, or electronically by watching live on local cable Mesa 11, YouTube and Facebook.

Agendas & Minutes

As part of each meeting, action may be taken on each agendized item, including zoning matters, awarding of contracts to purchase equipment, supplies or for construction improvements within the City, liquor license applications, ordinances, and resolutions.

View Agendas

Minutes of past City Council meetings are posted after they are approved by the City Council. The preliminary agenda of the next council meeting is posted approximately one week prior to meeting, and the final agenda, which incorporates any last minute changes to the preliminary agenda, is posted at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.

View Minutes

For copies of Council Minutes that are not listed, call the City Clerk's Office 480-644-2381.

Council Boards & Committees

Council Boards

  • Mesa Housing Services Governing Board
  • Eastmark Community Facilities District No. 1 Board
  • Eastmark Community Facilities District No. 2 Board
  • Cadence Community Facilities Board

Council Sub-Committees

Audit, Finance & Enterprise

  • Councilmember Alicia Goforth, Chairperson
  • Councilmember Francisco Heredia
  • Vice Mayor Scott Somers
  • Chris Brady, Ex Officio
  • Staff Liaison: Michael Kennington
  • Attorney: Bill Taebel & Adam Schwartz

Community & Cultural Development

  • Councilmember Julie Spilsbury, Chairperson
  • Councilmember Jenn Duff
  • Vice Mayor Scott Somers
  • Staff Liaison: Candace Cannistraro
  • Attorney: Kelly Whittemore

Economic Development

  • Councilmember Rich Adams, Chairperson
  • Councilmember Francisco Heredia
  • Councilmember Alicia Goforth
  • Staff Liaison: Jaye O'Donnell
  • Attorney: Kelly Whittemore

Public Safety

  • Vice Mayor Scott Somers, Chairperson
  • Councilmember Rich Adams
  • Councilmember Julie Spilsbury
  • Staff Liaison: Scott Butler
  • Attorney: Alfred Smith

Sustainability & Transportation

  • Councilmember Jenn Duff, Chairperson
  • Councilmember Rich Adams
  • Councilmember Alicia Goforth
  • Staff Liaison: Candace Cannistraro & Marc Heirshberg
  • Attorney:Jack Vincent

City Benefits Advisory Committee

  • Councilmember Jenn Duff
  • Vice Mayor Scott Somers
  • Staff Liaison: Candace Cannistraro & Andrea Alicoate
  • Attorney: Alfred Smith

Sub-committees meet with appropriate department staff about issues that have developed in the respective department which impact either the department directly (i.e. a new fire engine for the fire department) or residents and businesses (i.e. sewer hook-up).

Other Board & Committee Participation

Regional Agency Board Assignments

Valley Metro Regional Public Transit Authority (RPTA) / Metro Rail
Councilmember Francisco Heredia

East Valley Partnership Board
Mayor Mark Freeman

Gateway Airport Authority
Mayor Mark Freeman

Arizona Municipal Water Users Association (AMWUA)
Mayor Mark Freeman

Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) Committee Assignments

Regional Council
Mayor Mark Freeman

Transportation Policy Committee
Mayor Mark Freeman

Human Services Coordinating
Councilmember Jenn Duff 

Other Committee Assignments

idea Museum Board of Directors
Councilmember Julie Spilsbury

Arizona Museum of Natural History
Councilmember Rich Adams

Chamber of Commerce
Vice Mayor Scott Somers

Downtown Mesa Association
Councilmember Jenn Duff

Mesa Arts Center Foundation Board
Councilmember Jenn Duff

Mesa Sister Cities
Councilmember Jenn Duff

Mesa United Way
Councilmember Julie Spilsbury

Self Insurance Board of Trustees
Councilmember Francisco Heredia

United Food Bank Board
Councilmember Francisco Heredia

Visit Mesa Board
Councilmember Alicia Goforth