Val Vista Drive - CP0062

  • Project typeRoadway Improvement
  • Project valueFunding Source: Arterial Life Cycle Program (ALCP), 2020 General Obligation Bonds and Transportation funds
  • Project scheduleDelayed until 2025

Mesa plans to reconstruct Val Vista Drive from the US 60 Freeway to Pueblo Avenue and the intersection of Val Vista Drive and Southern Avenue. These improvements will provide three through lanes on Val Vista Drive from US60 to Enid Avenue. Improvements include pavement reconstruction, raised center medians, bike lanes, adding drainage structures and facilities, landscaping and traffic signal modifications. Other improvements include overhead to underground electric, gas facilities, replacement of curb, gutter, sidewalk, and ADA-compliant ramps and driveways in various locations.

SRP relocated overhead electrical lines to underground.

Public meeting held on October 18, 2022



3932 N. Recker Road, Mesa, AZ 85215  View Map

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