Arizona law (Title 42 Arizona Revised Statutes) requires the City Council to annually adopt a balanced budget by purpose of public expense.
1.1 In accordance with Arizona law, the Mesa City Council shall annually adopt a balanced budget, where budgeted expenditures are equal to or less than anticipated resources.
1.2 The City will budget revenues and expenditures on the basis of a fiscal year which begins on July 1 and ends on the following June 30.
1.3 The status of the budget will be monitored throughout the fiscal year to ensure expenditures remain within the adopted budget.
1.4 Financial and performance systems will be maintained in a manner that allows for monitoring of expenditures, revenues, and operational performance plans on an ongoing basis.
1.5 The City of Mesa will establish funds and other accounting structures as needed to effectively manage City resources and report financial and performance information.
1.6 City staff will update City management and the City Council on a quarterly basis.
1.7 Departments will develop an annual operational performance plan that includes a description of each of their business objectives and core business processes. Each description will include a mission statement, desired outcomes, and a set of performance measures with targets.
1.8 The City shall aim to achieve and maintain a structurally balanced budget where recurring revenues are equal to or exceed recurring expenditures in the adopted budget.
1.9 The State of Arizona limits expenditures by local jurisdictions. The City will comply with these expenditures limitations and will submit the necessary documents as required by the Uniform Expenditure Reporting System (A.R.S. Section 41-1279.07) to the State Auditor General each year.
1.10 The City may pursue, through public vote, adjustments to its expenditure limitation as it deems necessary through either alternative expenditure limitation (Home Rule) or a permanent base adjustment (Article IX, Section 20, Subsections 9 & 6, Arizona State Constitution).
1.11 The City will follow State statute regarding Council meetings, public hearings, and public notice.
1.12 Mesa’s annual budget will include contingency appropriations sufficient to provide for the financing of unforeseen expenditures.
1.13 The City Manager (or designee) may institute changes to the adopted budget during the fiscal year related to City operations including, but not limited to: position changes, programmatic changes, or capital equipment purchases.