Community Development Grants

FY 2025/2026 Annual Funding Process is Closed

The Funding Process CLOSED on Wednesdsay, October 2, 2024

Agency Funding Kick-Off Meeting*
was held on Wednesday, September 11, 2024
9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
57 E. First Street (Upper-Level City Council Chambers)

*The following items will be covered: Funding sources, eligibility requirements, City Council priorities and ZoomGrants application software.

For more information, please contact or call 480-644-2769

Scoring Templates(PDF, 94KB)



Funding Process Details

Community Development (HCD) administers local and federal funding to provide programs and services to low-income Mesa residents. We receive annual funding from the U.S Department of Housing (HUD) to provide programs assist individuals and families with food and clothing, enhanced education and employment opportunities, improved public facilities, and to preserve and increase attainable housing which improves the quality of life and enhances the vibrancy of neighborhoods.  

We address priority housing issues and needs for the citizens of Mesa by administering several federal assistance grants. We are committed to furthering the success of safe, sanitary, and attainable housing throughout Mesa and support the use of HOME Investment Partnership (HOME) funds, leveraged with Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC) for the preservation and development of affordable housing.

Funding Allocations

The Mesa City Council approved the FY 2024/2025 Funding Allocations for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME), Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG), and Human Services and ABC funding on April 15, 2024. These funding allocations have been awarded to non-profit organizations and City Departments that provide programs and services to benefit low- and moderate-income Mesa residents most in need.

Prior Year Funding Allocations

Public Notices

Our Mission
Delivering exceptional customer service to Mesa residents, neighborhoods, and agencies by providing resources to preserve and create sustainable communities and enhance the quality of life.