DUI Awareness

Impaired Driving - DUI and Cannabis


With the passage of the “Smart and Safe Arizona Act,” recreational marijuana is now legal in Arizona. There is no longer a requirement for anyone over 21 years old to have a prescription or a medical note to purchase, have, or use marijuana. Which means, much like alcohol, marijuana will become very prevalent in our society.

This page does not take a stance one way or another about recreational marijuana. The only objective of this information is to inform the public that marijuana IS an impairing substance and driving while under the influence of marijuana is illegal and could be life threatening.

The Mesa Police Department and City Prosecutor’s Office believe it is our duty to educate the public on the impairing effects of marijuana. It is our goal to keep our community safe and our roads free from impaired driving. While we strongly believe in enforcing the laws, we want to do our part to teach the public that driving while under the influence of any impairing substance can terribly change the dynamics of so many innocent families.

This site contains scientific studies, articles, and information about marijuana, its impairing qualities, and how it can affect your ability to operate a motor vehicle safely.


Please use any impairing substance responsibly and have a designated driver.