Hearing Information

Trial Hearings

In the event you do not appear for this trial, the trial may be held in your absence, any bonds posted can be forfeited and a warrant may be issued for your arrest. It is your responsibility and you are hereby instructed to remain in contact with your attorney and/or the court to determine if there are any changes in your trial date. Pursuant to Rule 16.1 all motions shall be made no later than 20 days prior to the initial trial date.

If you were cited for a civil traffic violation and you do not appear for this hearing, you will be held responsible for the violation, and a sanction will be imposed. The motor vehicle department will be notified of the judgment. If the sanction is not paid, your license will be suspended.

Civil Traffic Hearings

You must appear at the time stated on your hearing notice. If you fail to appear, a judgment by default may be entered against you, and your Arizona Driver's License may be suspended without further notice.

You have the right to hire an attorney to represent you. The court cannot provide a public defender to represent you. Your attorney must file a Notice of Appearance at least 10 days prior to the hearing.

Any request for a different hearing date (continuance) must be in writing and filed with the Court at least 10 days before the hearing date.  Continuances are not granted automatically. If your request is not granted, you must appear on the hearing date stated on your hearing notice.


Requests for reasonable accommodations(PDF, 84KB) for persons with disabilities or interpreter needs must be in writing and filed with the court at least five working days before the hearing. 

Juvenile Drivers

Drivers under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. A parent or guardian may sit with the juvenile privately at the defense table, advise the child, prepare notes or write out questions for the juvenile to ask. Parents or guardians are not permitted to argue the case to the judge, testify (unless a valid witness) or ask questions of other witnesses.

Defensive Driving School Option

If eligible, you may attend Defensive Driving School and upon completion, secure a dismissal of this case. By choosing to bring your case to hearing, you will give up your option to attend Defensive Driving School. 


Exhibits (photos, email, video, text messages or audio) must be transformed to a proper form i.e. CD, DVD, hardcopy etc. to allow the court to retain the exhibit. Any exhibits in the form of written diagrams or photos shall be rendered or submitted on 8 1/2 X 11 inch paper.