Lifesaver Classes
Knowing what to do in the first few minutes of an emergency can help to save a life! Lifesaver training provides you with critical skills to use in an emergency to help until we arrive.
Classes are FREE and designed for ages 12 and older. Please contact us to schedule a class.
Training includes:
Hands-Only CPR - The American Heart Association now recommends hands-only CPR using only chest compressions for adults experiencing cardiac arrest. Hands-only CPR does not require a certification* to learn or perform.
Automated External Defibrillator (AED) - Quickly shocking the heart with an AED can save a person’s life during cardiac arrest. As public access AEDs become more available, it is important to become familiar with how and when to use an AED.
Emergency Bleeding Control - A person with a significant bleeding injury can die in just minutes. It is critical to stop blood loss quickly before arrival of emergency responders. Learn how to Stop the Bleed!
*MFMD does not provide CPR Certification classes. To find a class, do an online search for local CPR certification providers.