Fire FAQs

Alarm Permit: Who do I contact about getting an alarm permit?

Ambulance Billing: How do I pay a bill for MFMD ambulance service?

9-1-1: Can I text 911?

Calling 911 is best, but if you are unable to call or speak you can text.   

How to text 911

  • Type 9-1-1 (with hyphens) in the “To” field
  • Give your location & nature of the emergency
  • Keep text messages short and concise
  • Be ready to follow instructions and answer questions

Building: I will be making tenant improvements (building additions or improvements), fire sprinklers or alarm systems, where do I call for assistance?

Contact the Development Services Department at 480-644-4273 for assistance.


Burning/Fire Hazard: Can I have a fire in my backyard; how large can it be?

Contact Fire Prevention at least two business days in advance at 480-644-2622 to determine if a permit is required. Be prepared to provide the type of event and type of fire, address, date, time it will take place, responsible party and contact number.

Recreational Fire Brochure(PDF, 502KB)

Burning/Fire Hazard: How do I report fire hazards like weeds, brush or trash around a home in my neighborhood?

Contact Code Compliance at 480-644-2061 for more information.

Burning/Fire Hazard: How do I report illegal burning?

Call non-emergency dispatch at 480-644-2400.

Burning/Fire Hazard: Can I burn trash, weeds, grass or tree clippings from my yard?

No. It is illegal to burn trash or yard waste in the City of Mesa.

Please dispose of trash and yard debris in the appropriate green or black trash barrel, or request a curbside bulk item pickup. Visit the City's Trash and Recycling page for more information. 

Burning/Fire Hazard: How do I report a possible fire code violation or unsafe situation?

Contact our Fire Prevention Office to report the unsafe situation or code violation. An inspector will be sent out to verify the code violation and issue corrective notices if applicable.

Fire Extinguisher: Where do I get my fire extinguishers serviced or replaced and how often?

Fire extinguishers must be serviced or replaced every year. Fire protection companies service or replace extinguishers and they may be purchased at hardware stores.

To dispose of old fire extinguishers, follow procedures for hazardous waste. City of Mesa residents can drop off old extinguishers at the Mesa Household Hazardous Materials Facility.  


Fire Hydrant: Who do I call to report a damaged fire hydrant?

Contact the Water Resources Division Report a Problem or call 480-644-2262

Fire Lane: Who do I call to report a vehicle blocking a fire hydrant or parked in a fire lane?

If a vehicle is blocking a fire hydrant or clearly marked fire lane, call the Mesa Police Department at 480-644-2211 to handle these violations.

Fire Services: My address is on a County Island. Is MFMD still my responding fire department?

All addresses within Mesa's city limits fall under MFMD's response area.    

Unincorporated areas (county islands*) fall under Maricopa County’s jurisdiction. Rural Metro is the responding fire agency for Maricopa County addresses. You can contact Rural Metro for more information, including their annual subscription fees for service.
480-627-6414 or 480-627-6200.

*It is possible to have a Mesa mailing address but still be in an unincorporated area. You can check your address on the Explore Mesa app to see if you are within Mesa’s city limits. 

Fireworks: Are fireworks legal and when can I use them?

Under Arizona law, the use, discharge or ignition of permissible consumer fireworks(PDF, 490KB) is limited to:

  • May 4-6
  • June 24 - July 6
  • December 24 - January 3
  • The Second and Third days of Diwali


Fireworks: Are sky lanterns legal to use in Mesa?

The use of sky lanterns are prohibited in the City of Mesa.

Gated Access: I think a crew left a community gate open. Who can I contact to close or reset the gate?

During regular business hours: Monday - Thursday, 7:00am to 5:00pm
Fire Prevention Office - 480-644-2622 

Outside of regular business hours, please call the Mesa Police Department non-emergency number 480-644-2211 

More information for city-maintained Alleys & Gates

Hazardous Waste: Where do I dispose of hazardous waste materials?

Residents of the City of Mesa can drop off household hazardous waste at the city's Household Hazardous Materials facility. This drop-off disposal service is available to Mesa residents at no additional cost.

Please visit their website for location, hours, and additional information.  

Hazardous Waste: How can I dispose of prescription medications or medical sharps & needles?

Fire Stations or Crews DO NOT accept prescription medications or medical sharps. 

Prescription Medication Disposal 

Some Mesa Police stations are equipped with MedReturn boxes in their lobbies. Unwanted prescription medications, vitamins, over-the-counter medications, pet medications, etc. can be dropped off in these boxes during normal business hours, Monday-Thursday 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. Closed holidays. Occasionally, a station lobby may be closed for another reason.

Medical Sharps/Needles

Dispose of medical sharps in your black barrel in a puncture-proof container (like an empty laundry detergent bottle or coffee can) sealed with duct tape and clearly marked "Do Not Recycle".

Lockbox: How can I get a lock box, key box or Knox box for outside my front door for emergency responders to get in my home if I am unable to open the door?

Lock/Knox boxes provide first responders access to your home in the event of an emergency and you cannot open the door.

You can purchase a lock box for your home by contacting the Knox Company directly. You are responsible for the cost and installation. See Lock Box Procedures(PDF, 1MB) for instructions on where to place the box and email Fire Prevention at or call 480-644-2622 once it is installed to request your keys to be locked into the box.

Propane: Where can I safely store or dispose of a propane tank for a BBQ grill?

We recommend storing the tank out of direct sunlight in a shaded, open, well-ventilated area.

City of Mesa residents can dispose of BBQ grill propane tanks at the Household Hazardous Materials Facility  The facility is open limited hours, so please visit their site or contact them for more information. 

Location: 2412 N. Center St. Bldg. #2 Mesa, AZ 85201
Voicemail: 480-644-4463

Safe Baby Haven: Are all Mesa fire stations designated Safe Baby Havens?


Since 2001, the State of Arizona has had a statewide Safe Haven Law allowing the legal and anonymous relinquishment of an unharmed infant, up to 30 days after birth, to a designated Safe Haven location.

All Mesa Fire and Medical stations and apparatus are clearly labeled as Safe Baby Haven facilities to comply with the law. Any infant relinquished must be handed directly to a firefighter, paramedic or EMT.

Arizona Safe Baby Haven

Sand Bags: Where can I get sand bags?

Sand and empty bags are available at the following Fire Station Locations (bring your own shovel):


Smoke Alarm: How long do my smoke detectors last and when should I replace them?

Batteries should be tested monthly and replaced each year. Smoke detectors should be replaced every 10 years.

Smoke Alarm: My smoke detectors are going off, what should I do?

If you see flames or smell smoke, leave immediately and dial 9-1-1. If detectors are not operating properly, replace batteries or contact a qualified contractor for repair or replacement.


Bees and Safety: There is a swarm of bees nearby, what should I do?

Mesa Fire and Medical does not typically eradicate bees unless there is immediate danger to people from aggressive bees that are actively attacking. In such situations, firefighters destroy the bees and the hive.   

Who to contact

  • For actively attacking, aggressive bees call 9-1-1.
  • For bee removal, do an online search for a local beekeeper or pest control service. 
  • See the City of Mesa Pest Page for information on how to report bees or hives on city property.  

Badge Requests: I collect badges. Can I get a badge from your department?

Unfortunately, because our patches are part of our official uniform, security restrictions prevent us from providing them to collectors.

Ride-Alongs: Does MFMD schedule public ride alongs?

Mesa Fire and Medical has permanently suspended our Public Ride-Along/Observer Program. This policy update was made to support the safety and well-being of our employees and facilities, and to protect the (HIPAA) privacy of the patients we care for.