Community Liaisons play a vital role in the communication between the Mesa Police Department and the community groups they serve. This entails conveying updates from the department to the group and vice versa, often by participating in pre-existing meetings or events within their respective community groups. Additionally, they are responsible for building new relationships and sustaining relationships within their community groups, fostering trust and collaboration.
The Mission of the Community Liaisons are to create relationships between the Mesa Police Department and the community, to provide effective avenues of communication for community members, and to address cultural and quality of life issues that transcend ethnic, cultural, religious and geographic barriers to increase the quality of life for all citizens.
African American Liaison Commander Dom Sterlin Community Affairs Liaison Charles Cobbs Assistant Chief Lee Rankin
Asian Liaison Lieutenant Alan Pak Wayne Kwong, PDIT Division Manager
Business Liaison Commander Jason Reno Commander Chris Rash
Clergy Liaison Commander Tim Walker
Higher Education Liaison Reserve Officer Mike Bellows
Hispanic Liaison Commander Diana Williams Commander James McCormick
Native American Liaison Commander Stephanie Derivan Commander Jason Redwing
LGBTQ LiaisonAssistant Chief Gina Nesbit
Mental Health Liaison Commander Aaron Spicer
Muslim/Somali Refugee Liaison Commander JR Gomez
Non-Profit Liaison Administrator Tara Hall
Veterans Liaison Commander Diana Clevenger
Rachel Claffey Community Relations Division
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