Cadet Post #2055

Mesa Police Cadet Post 2055 is dedicated to preparing young men and women for a career in law enforcement by developing a fundamental understanding of police procedures, duties, and concepts. Cadet Post 2055 embraces a community service attitude and requires ethics and professionalism in all who are Cadets.
Minimum Eligibility Requirements
- Be between ages 14-19 and have graduated from the 8th grade; allowing to remain in the program until your 21st birthday.
- Maintain a GPA of 2.0/"C" average or higher and remain in school until graduation.
- Be able to attend weekly Cadet meetings on Thursday nights.
- Be willing to volunteer your time to attend Cadet functions.
- Have a good moral character.
- Not have a serious police record.
- Adhere to Mesa Police Department policies and the Cadet Code of Conduct.
Both male and female young adults who meet these requirements are encouraged to apply.
Many Cadets are preparing for a career in criminal justice, law enforcement or the military. This program give them a hands-on action-oriented discovery experience through weekly training and community service.
At weekly meetings, Cadet’s study various laws and participate in hands-on training, such as traffic stops, various types of police investigations, evidence processing, radio procedures and weapons handling. Cadets not only learn about law enforcement but are also taught and are exposed to traits and skills that will make them more prepared for any career field they choose. Our objective is to develop a successful skill set within each Cadet to help prepare and sustain a competitiveness within all Cadets upon entry into the professional workforce.
The Next Recruitment Window is January 2025
Interested eligible candidates should complete the interest form to be contacted by the Cadet Post Lead Advisor. The process of selecting and training new members of the post is complex, because of this we only recruit twice a year. Once your interest form has been submitted, a cadet advisor will contact you with further information about the program and application process.
Interest Form
Youth Program Funding
Mesa Police Cadet Post 2055 is a 501(c)(3) charity organization, with an IRS ruling year of 2011, and donations are tax-deductible by limitations set by law.
If you wish to make a charitable donation or become a community partner with the Mesa Police Cadet Post 2055, please contact the Post by email at or phone 480-644-4869.