Training Materials & Testing Information
Training Materials
This information must be reviewed prior to taking the certification quiz.
- You must register with your Crime Prevention Officer in order to have a user name and password set up for you to take this quiz.
- User name and password are good for 15 days. Please do not request this information until you are ready to take the quiz. If you have not taken the quiz within the 15 day period, your information may expire and you will have to contact your crime prevention officer to request that they be reset.
- Please make sure you have studied the documents above prior to taking the quiz.
- After you have requested your log-in information, you will generally receive it within 4 business days. If you have not received anything within that time period, please contact your crime prevention officer.
- Instructions on taking the quiz will be an attachment to the email that contains your user name and password.
The quiz consists of 25 multiple-choice questions and should take no more than 10 minutes to complete. Once you have taken the quiz, you will know your results and your results will be e-mailed to your crime prevention officer.
Should you need to retake the quiz for any reason, you will need to contact your crime prevention officer and have another user name and password issued.