Civil Citations
If you received a citation, follow the instructions on the citation within 10 days of receipt. Failure to follow the instruction will result in additional fines.
Please note that calls and emails will be returned/responded to within three (3) business days.
Contact the Civil Hearing Office at or by phone at 480-644-3930 regarding your options for the disposition of the civil citation. The Civil Hearing Office cannot discuss the details of the violation(s).
If you have questions regarding the violation(s) or citation, contact the Code Compliance Officer listed on the citation.
Speaking to the Code Compliance Officer regarding the violation(s) does not relieve you of the responsibility to complete the instructions by the date noted on the citation. You must follow-up with the Civil Hearing Office regarding the citation. The letter accompanying the civil citation contains important instructions and information.
Taking care of the violation after receipt of the civil citation does not negate the civil citation. You must contact the Civil Hearing Office regarding the civil citation.
You may plead responsible and pay the fees and fines. The Civil Hearing Office will supply the amount due. Paying fees and fines does not relieve the owner or responsible party of the responsibility to abate the violation. Additional fees and fines may be imposed if the property is not brought into compliance.
If you feel that the violation on the civil citation did not occur on the date and time in question, or if you feel that there are extenuating circumstances, you may request a hearing. If found responsible, you may be assessed a civil hearing fee in the amount of $200 in addition to any citation fines and/or applicable fees.
If the fees and fines are not paid, a lien may be placed against your property.
Civil Penalties per Mesa City Code 8-6-9
Title 8-6-9 (A) - Any party who is found responsible for a civil violation of this Chapter, whether by admission, default, or after a hearing, shall pay a civil sanction of not less than $150 or more than $1,500.
A second finding of responsibility within 36 months of the commission of a prior violation of this Chapter shall result in an enhanced civil sanction of not less than $250 or more than $2,500.
A third finding of responsibility within 36 months of the commission of a prior violation of this Chapter shall result in an enhanced civil sanction of not less than $500 or more than $2,500. In addition to the civil sanction, the responsible party shall pay the applicable fees and charges set forth in the City’s Development Services Department (Code Compliance) Schedule of Fees and Charges, and may be ordered to pay any other applicable fees and charges.**
Other applicable fees: An initial re-inspection fee of $200 will be charged for the first date of violation to be cited. A re-inspection fee of $100 will be charged for each additional date of violation.