Off the Streets

Mesa Homelessness data dashboard

What is Off the Streets?

The Off the Streets program is a temporary housing program with strong support services offered by Mesa and our contracted service provider Community Bridges, Inc (CBI). The program serves Mesa’s most vulnerable including seniors, Veterans, families with young children and single women. As of May 2023, more than 1,700 individuals and families have been served, of which:

  • 42% have physical disabilities
  • 12% are aged 62+
  • 18% are youth under 18
  • 21% are survivors of domestic violence
  • 4% are Veterans
  • 74% of program participants successfully graduate to the next step in their housing plan 

How Our Program Works

Download Off the Streets Program Brochure(PDF, 7MB)

  • Mesa currently leases hotel rooms for this program at a hotel located in northeast Mesa.
  • Dedicated, onsite police presence (day and night) ensures the program’s campus offers a secure and welcoming environment.
  • Community Bridges, Inc. provides 24-7 on-site oversight and case management, and connects participants to off-campus services.
  • Closed campus model with no walk-up or drop-in services allowed.
  • Participants are referred by Mesa first responders or non-profit partners.
  • Mesa’s most vulnerable are given priority placement.
  • Program participants must adhere to program rules and create and take action on their housing stability plan while in the program.
  • Temporary housing is provided (generally up to 90 days) based on positive progress on housing plan and adherence to program rules.
  • Those who do not follow the rules can be removed from the program and offered placement at alternative sites.
  • Surrounding area benefits from a heightened focus from Mesa PD.
  • Over 3 years, crime trends around the program area have continued to mirror or be less than the entire city, i.e., no measurable crime impact from this use in the area.

Good Neighbor Policy

  • Dedicated police presence on-site day and night.
  • Community Bridges, Inc. 24-7 on-site oversight.
  • Mesa PD and CBI collaborate with surrounding businesses and residents to address pre-existing and future public health and safety concerns.
  • Clear communication channels for nearby businesses and residents to connect with City with questions/concerns.
  • No walk-up or drop-in services available or allowed. Referral based program only.
  • Clean and well-maintained campus, including landscape, lighting and property improvements so facility complements quality development in the area.
  • Limited and visually buffered outdoor areas for participant use.
  • Curfew enforced for program participants at 10p.
  • Daily CBI checks of participant rooms.
  • No visitors allowed in rooms without CBI permission and monitoring.
  • Participants provided off-campus wrap-around services to avoid duplication and to reduce potential for walk-up traffic at the hotel.

Sunaire Property Updates

Sunaire property

Location: 6733 E Main (formerly Grand Hotel)

Mesa purchased this property to be used for the Off the Streets program.

Mesa took ownership of the property in November 2023. Since then, property assessment, asbestos abatement, pest control, architect design, permitting and construction bids have taken place.

Construction began January 2025 and is projected to be complete in early 2026.

As part of our Good Neighbor Policy, we are available for any questions or concerns you may have about this project.


Construction questions: 480-644-3800

Program questions: 480-644-3695 or

Frequently Asked Questions

Will this increase urban camping?
No. Having emergency beds as part of the Off the Streets program allows Mesa Police to enforce urban camping laws citywide, supporting our goal of a healthy and safe community for all. Per the 9th Circuit case law (Martin v. Boise) the City cannot enforce trespassing laws for people sleeping in public spaces unless a bed is made available and the person refuses the bed. Officers also have the opportunity to cite people into Mesa Community Court. This Court provides willing participants a chance to connect to services and work off their fines/fees for minor offenses such as trespassing by following court directives in making progress in getting employment and housing and getting back on their feet.

Will all of Mesa's homeless population be brought to the hotel and when they exit the program where will they go?

  • Stay at OTS Program: Individuals enrolled in the OTS program may stay at the hotel for a few days or up to 90 days as they make positive progress on their housing plan.

  • Exit and Transportation: Upon exiting our program, individuals are provided transportation by CBI to their next destination. This could be another program as part of their housing plan, a group home, or a new residence they've established with assistance from OTS.

  • Crisis Placement: Individuals released from the program due to negative behaviors are offered crisis placement. They are then transported to these locations by CBI for further support and assistance.

What is the referral process for the OTS program?
It's important to note that some people who need shelter may not first come to our Off the Streets program. In each case, we work with existing service providers in Mesa, such as the East Valley Men's Shelter, treatment facilities, and domestic violence shelters, that consider their individual needs and available resources. Referrals to Off the Streets program are made through various channels including Mesa staff and our community partners.

Will this program cause an increase in homelessness, panhandling, and urban camping in the area?
At the current location, due to the program structure and the security presence, we have not seen a negative impact or rise in homelessness, panhandling or urban camping. Crime trends have been similar to what we have seen citywide, meaning the presence of our program has not increased crime in the area.

We are in the process of assessing the area surrounding The Grand Hotel to determine what the current state of homelessness is in the area, and how we may be able to improve it.

Based on our experience at the current site, we believe the presence of CBI staff and services, and police dedicated to this program support an environment for more immediate response to current or future challenges.

Why is dedicated police presence needed if Mesa says it is a great program?
Providing quality services, supporting a safe environment and being a good neighbor are important to us and our partner, CBI.

The program is safe and we feel confident about being a good neighbor because:

  • CBI is on site 24/7 with trained staff, strong program rules, regular contact with program participants, and valuable resources that are available on and off campus (triage nurse, emergency medical van, treatment facilities, workforce development services).
  • Additionally, we provide dedicated police presence on-site day and night to support the safety of staff and clients in crisis, and to help the surrounding community feel more comfortable and secure.