Current Participants - Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher

Annual Recertification

An annual recertification must be completed for all current Section 8 HCV participants. This is a HUD requirement to review a participant's income, household composition and adjust the household's income and portion of rent accordingly.

Every year we mail participants a packet, which includes the deadline date to submit the information back to our office. As part of the recertification we ask that you review the briefing presentation to stay updated on your responsibilities.

Changes to income, household composition, expenses, etc.

As a participant, it is part of your obligation to report all changes to your family’s income, household composition and expenses within 10 days of the occurrence via a change report. Changes MUST be made even if you do not have all the required documentation to support the change. The change will be made after all documentation is received. Change report forms are available in our office or online.

Moving within Mesa

Participants planning to move within Mesa are required to submit a Notice to Vacate to our office. A notice must be a minimum of 30 days and a maximum of 60 days of the date you will be moving out of the unit. You must give proper notice to your current landlord in accordance with your lease.

Family Self-Sufficiency Program (FSS)

Do your goals include getting a better job, having a savings account, and good credit?

FSS is a voluntary HUD program for families in the voucher rental assistance program to set goals and achieve self-sufficiency through education and increased earned income.

FSS provides case management and connections with community resources and services for guidance and opportunities, such as referrals for college access or job training, career guidance and job search, financial coaching, homebuyer pathways, and more.

Bonus $: When your earned income increases (and your portion of the rent goes up) FSS puts a portion aside each month in an FSS escrow account for you. The balance becomes your money when you complete the goals on your FSS plan including graduation from the program.

Let's focus on your success! Complete an FSS application to be invited to the next FSS briefing.

For accommodations, such as braille, large print, or translation, contact City of Mesa Housing and Community Development at 480-644-3536, or AzRelay 7-1-1 for those who are deaf or hard of hearing.

Si necesita información en español por favor de llamar al 480-644-3536.