A PBV Program is a site-based rental assistance program where the participant pays no more than 30% of the family’s income towards rent and the Public Housing Authority (PHA) will subsidize the remainder. The PBV program vouchers are a referral basis program. The program provides additional housing opportunities for low-income families and individuals.
You must be CHRONICALLY HOMELESS per the definition below and be required to provide proof that you are chronically homeless: “An individual and/or family who has experienced at least two episodes of shelter living (emergency and/or transitional housing program) and has a substantiated need for long term case management and supportive services.”
You will also need to meet one of the following:
La Mesita Apartments LP 2254 W. Main St. Mesa, AZ 85201 Referral Only
Escobedo at Verde Vista Phase II 435 N. Hibbert Mesa, AZ 85201 Referral Only
For adults without children visit one of the access points or call the Brian Garcia Welcome Center at 602-229-5155.
For families with minor dependent children, call the Family Housing Hub at 602-595-8700 prior to going in person
AzRelay 7-1-1
Monday - Thursday 7:30 am to 5:00 pm