Property Tax

There are two types of property tax in the State of Arizona, primary and secondary.

Mesa does NOT collect a primary property tax, but DOES collect a secondary property tax.

Mesa also has Community Facility Districts where bonds were issued for property development and assessed to property owners.

Property taxes are billed by and paid to the Maricopa County Treasurer's Office.

Secondary Property Tax

Secondary property tax revenue is used to pay the principal and interest due on General Obligation bonds approved by voters and issued to finance capital projects for libraries, parks and recreation, public safety and transportation.

The tax levy is calculated using the formula:






 Property Value
   Tax Rate
  Tax Levy


The value of each property in Mesa is determined annually by either Maricopa County or the State of Arizona. This value is based on comparable sale values from two to three years prior. For example, the value used for FY 2023/24 is based on property valuations from mid-2020 to mid-2021.

Secondary property tax rate and levy

 Fiscal Year
Value of Taxable Property (A)
Tax Rate (per $100 value) (B)
Tax Levy (C)
FY 2023/24
$4.5 billion
$38.8 million
FY 2022/23  $4.2 billion
$0.9157  $38.8 million
FY 2021/22
$4.0 billion
$45.2 million
FY 2020/21 $3.7 billion
$1.1171 $41.7 million
FY 2019/20
$3.5 billion
$1.1870 $41.7 million

The FY 2023/24 annual secondary property tax levy for the median-value City of Mesa residential property is $145.   

For more information on assessed value and property tax, see the Budget and Financial Summary section of the Executive Budget Plan(PDF, 6MB)  document.