Renewable Energy Service Rider

The Renewable Energy Service Rider (RESR) Program is an opportunity for Mesa electric customers to use renewable energy without the risk of installing their own power generating equipment such as solar power systems.

We will purchase renewable energy on customer’s behalf. Customers can elect to cover 25%, 50%, 75% or 100% of their monthly energy needs with renewable energy and we will automatically adjust the bill. Sources of renewable energy can include biogas, biomass, geothermal, landfill gas, solar, or wind.  Note that this program does not result in a utility bill reduction:  customers will see a premium charge depending on the percentage they elect to cover.


  • SRP Electric Customers are NOT eligible

  • Any Mesa Electric customer in good standing and served under any of the following rate schedules:

    Residential Electric Schedule No. E1.1
    General Service Electric Schedule No. E3.1
    Other Public Authority Rate Schedules No. E7.1, E7.2, E8.1 and E9.1

Program Operation

Complete and submit application between April 1 and June 1.

RESR Program Application(PDF, 170KB)

Beginning with the July billing period, a RESR Premium Charge will be added to bills at a rate of $0.01/kWh for each kWh covered under the RESR. For instance, if the customer uses a total of 1,000 kWh during a month while enrolled in the program and has opted to cover 50% of their energy with renewable energy through the RESR, the RESR Premium charge for that month will be:

1,000 kWh * 50% * $0.01/kWh = $5.00 plus applicable taxes

The RESR Premium Charge is applied in addition to the customer’s other monthly bill charges and adjustments. The RESR Premium Charge does not substitute for any other billing line items. The standard RESR Enrollment Period is from April 1 to June 1; however, we may open the RESR program for further enrollment at other times.

A customer may cancel service under this rider with no remaining obligations after twelve billing cycles by providing written notice to Mesa during the following RESR Enrollment Period. If a customer wishes to cancel service under this rider prior to twelve billing cycles and if the customer Annual Renewable Energy that is remaining to be paid for that year to date exceeds 100,000 kWh, the customer will be charged for all Renewable Energy above 100,000 kWh (Estimated Excess Remaining kWh) that it would have consumed in the year at the monthly RESR Premium Charge Rate ($/kWh) multiplied by such Estimated Excess Remaining kWh. After receipt of such payment, cancellation shall become effective at the end of the billing cycle in which the notice for cancellation is received by the city.