Limited Income Senior Rate Program


What is the Limited Income Senior Rate Program?

This is a residential utility assistance program that provides a 30% discount on the Water Service Rate, one of the water rate components on a customer’s bill. On a 3/4" water service (most common size for residences), the discount reduces the fixed, monthly charge from $30.93 per month to $21.65 per month. This is a $9.28 savings per month. This program does not change any other water rate component.

Who qualifies for this program?

  • Senior citizen - 60 years of age and older
  • Applicant must be the utility account holder
  • Permanent, full-time resident at the service address
  • Limited income (200% federal poverty level - 2025)

How is Limited Income defined?

 Household Size
Maximum Income Level per month
 2 $3,407
 3 $4,303
 4 $5,200
 5 $6,097
 6 $6,993
 7 $7,890
 8 $8,786
 9 $9,683
 11 $11,476
 12 $12,373


If I qualify, when will it apply?

  • The discount will be applied to the account once reviewed and approved and will take effect with the next utility bill. The discounted rate cannot be applied retroactively.
  • A customer will be required to reapply and requalify five (5) years after first qualified.
  • The rate will apply thereafter if the account is still open for the qualified customer.
  • There is no expiration on the program, however, the discount may be canceled in the future by the City Council through the public utility rate modification process.

Download Application(PDF, 257KB)