Reading your Utility Meter

Choose a drop down to learn more about reading your utility meter(s).

Standard Water Meter


Water flow monitoring devices

We encourage water efficiency and want customers to make informed decisions about their water use. Many customers ask about flow monitoring devices. We do not permit flow monitoring devices to be attached to the meter or in the meter box for many reasons including:

  • The device could be damaged during meter reading and maintenance.
  • Flow devices can interfere with remote reading capabilities.
  • Over 25% of meters in Mesa’s inventory are not compatible with these devices.
  • The water meter is the property of Mesa and can be replaced at any time.

There are other devices on the market that provide similar functionality and are not installed on the meter or inside the meter box. Some do require re-piping while others clamp onto the outside of customer piping.

Smart Water Meter

IMPORTANT: AMI water meters are connected to a radio attached to the lid by a wire. This wire can be damaged if the lid is pulled too far away, if the lid is set down incorrectly, or if the wires are trapped between the lid and the box.

We are using 4 different types of smart water meters to fit the existing pipe sizes within the meter boxes at each location.

Which meter do I have?


Neptune appears on the register lid and face

Billing Read: Billing read is the 5 left most digits on the display.


  • Register lid if opened must be closed for 2 sec then reopened to ‘wake’ display.
  • Light sensor on register display, low light might need a flashlight to wake.
  • Register will cycle through screens. Reading screen displays 45 sec. Will display current flow rate for 5-10 sec then continue cycling.

Neptune billing read
Billing read: 00003

 Neptune flow rate
Flow rate of 29.86 gal/min

Badger – BD

Badger Meter appears on the register face. HR or E-SERIES will be on register face as well.

Billing Read: Billing read on register is denoted by a dashed lines above and below the digits. Depending on the meter size, the billing read could be the  4 (3/4” and 1”) or 5 (1.5” larger) left most digits on the display.


  • Register lid if opened must be closed for 2 sec then reopened to ‘wake’ display.
  • Light sensor on register display, low light might need a flashlight to wake.
  • Register will cycle through screens. Reading screen displays 45sec. Will display current flow rate for 5-10 sec then continue cycling.

RPD, FSAA-01, SRMD register

Badger billing read
Billing read: 0003

Badger flow rate
Flow rate of 2.2 gal/min

ESUS register

BadgerESUS billing read
Billing read: 00016

Badger ESUS flow rate
Flow rate of 22.5 gal/min

Sensus – SS

Sensus appears on register lid and face.

Billing read: Billing read is the 4 left most digits on the display.


  • Register lid, if opened, must be closed for 2 sec then reopened to ‘wake’ display. Register lid has magnet that must touch the screen. Lid must be ‘snapped’ close.
  • Closing the register lid and reopening will cause the register to cycle through different modes, third screen is ‘FL’ the current flow rate in gal/min.

 Sensus billing read
Billing read: 0000

Sensus billing read
Billing read: 0007

 Sensus flow rate
‘FL’ – Flow Rate Screen will display current flow rate of the meter down to hundreds of gallons

Smart Electric Meter

Electric Meters scroll and display various values depending on account type and billing requirements. Each scrolling screen will hold for 5 seconds, then proceed to the next register. The sequence of registers varies by meter type and configuration. See below for a standard electric display.

Segment Test illuminates all LCD segments to ensure all portions of the display are working. The segment test display should read This display indicates if the meter has any malfunctioning areas.

Segment Test

Kilowatt-hours (kWh)measure how much electricity a customer uses. One kWh is equal to 1,000 watts of electricity used for one hour. Example: running a 5,000-watt electric clothes dryer for one hour uses 5 kWh of electricity.

Kilowatt hours

Kilowatts (kW) measure the rate of power an electrical device uses, with 1 kW equal to 1,000 watts. Demand is measured in kW and used only for commercial accounts.


Service Voltageis the voltage configuration the utility provides at the customer meter.

Service Voltage

Service Amperage(or amp service) indicates the total available capacity delivered to a home. It indicates how many appliances, lights, or other electrical devices can be operating simultaneously.

Service Amperage

Smart Gas Meter

photo of gas meter dials

  1. Each dial represents a single number in the reading.
  2. Read the dials right to left.
  3. If the hand is between two numbers, select the lower number.
  4. When the hand is between "9" and "0," "9" is considered the lower number.
  5. When the hand looks as though it is DIRECTLY on the number, look at the dial to the right. If the dial on the right has passed "0," use the number that the hand is on. If the dial on the right has not passed "0," use the number less than what the hand is on.

The correct reading for this meter is 0310.

  • The first dial turns counterclockwise. It points between the "0" and the "1." Read this dial as "0."
  • The second dial is between "3" and "4." Read the lower number. Read this dial as "3."
  • The third dial turns counterclockwise and is on the "1." Look at the fourth dial to see if it has passed "0." It is just past the "0." Read this dial as "1."
  • The fourth dial is turning clockwise and is between the "0" and the "1." Read this dial as "0."