Report a Utility Emergency


Possible electric emergencies include:

  • Power outages
  • Trees or other items touching power lines 
  • Downed lines
  • Transformers sparking or smoking
  • Exposed underground wires
  • Electric line related injury or potential injury

Call 480-644-2262 or 911 immediately

Mesa electric area Power Outage map

Natural Gas

Possible gas emergencies include:

If you smell a rotten egg odor, notice changes to vegetation, hear unusual sounds from a gas pipeline, or suspect CO poisoning, leave the area and report it immediately.

Call 480-644-4277 or 911

We ensure our system’s operational integrity by monitoring it 24/7 and inspecting it regularly. Despite our best efforts, pipeline leaks occasionally result from third-party damage, natural disasters, or corrosion.

All gas emergencies will be investigated, and actions will be taken to make the situation safe.


Possible water emergencies are:

  • No water 
  • Low/high water pressure
  • Water leaks in the street
  • Leaking or damaged fire hydrants
  • Sanitary sewer overflow or back-ups
  • Illegal dumping in manholes
  • Unauthorized use of water or wastewater facilities
  • Water quality issues

Call 480-644-2262

Water Leaks 

We will repair leaks at water meters and mains. Leaks on the customer's side of the meter (including the pipe between the meter and the building), the irrigation system, and indoor plumbing are the responsibility of the customer.

Sewer Problems

Sewer line mains located in the street or alley are our responsibility to clean and repair. The connection to the sewer main and all service lines from the main to the home are the responsibility of the customer.

Roach control and the sewer