Savings & Rebates

Savings from Other Agencies


Federal tax credits can be found at energy efficient federal rebates.

Tax credits are also available on some fuel efficient vehicles. To get the complete list and amount of credit available for each vehicle visit the Department of Energy fuel economy site.

State of Arizona

State tax credits are currently available for residential solar energy systems. Arizona currently provides 25% of the cost of the system up to $1,000.

Visit the DSIRE Website (Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency) for a complete database of all state incentives for renewable and efficiency implementation or upgrades.

Salt River Project (SRP)

Salt River Project (SRP) supplies electric service to about 90% of Mesa residents. SRP has rebates, tips, and assistance like audits to help you reduce your energy use. They even offer a marketplace with discounted items

Residential Customers: Visit SRP's rebate page for information on saving energy and money in your home.

Commercial Customers: Visit the SRP BIZ site for saving energy on lighting, HVAC, motors and with audits.

Southwest Gas

Southwest Gas services some Mesa residents. Find available rebates for customers on the SW Gas website.