Service Line Warranty Program

This type of service line warranty program was originally presented to the Mesa City Council as a partnership with the National League of Cities (NLC), of which Mesa is a member. The program came to the NLC as the result of a grassroots effort in West Virginia, Oklahoma, Texas and Illinois, and since then other communities around the country have participated successfully.

As a result, we negotiated a non-exclusive agreement with Service Line Warranties of America to offer a program that provides OPTIONAL value-added solutions and cost savings to our residents. This OPTIONAL program is offered to our residents at no cost to to us and no public funds are used to promote the program. The program offers three options: Sewer Line only, Water Line only, or both.

A little background on why we are participating

When a resident has a problem with their lateral utility (sewer & water) lines, many times they will call us to come out and fix the line. If the faulty part of the line is on the homeowners’ property it is the homeowners’ responsibility to pay for the repairs.

A repair may cost from hundreds to thousands of dollars, depending on the repair. Unfortunately, we can’t pay to repair private property. As you can imagine, this can put homeowners in a financial bind in which we are unable to assist.

This program has given us a way to increase awareness of lateral line responsibility, at no cost to Mesa, and offers an OPTIONAL solution for homeowners that would like to be covered in the event of a problem. Not every homeowner would like to sign up for this type of service, but we would like to let homeowners know that it is an option that is available to each homeowner in our community.  

We understand there are other options for you to consider when choosing a warranty program; however, the information is being provided to our residents to advise you of an opportunity brought to our attention through our affiliation with the NLC.

For questions please refer to the Service Line Warranties web site.