Start/Cancel Commercial Service

Start Service

Step 1.Gather required information/documents

Step 2.Prepare for deposit

All new commercial and multi-unit customers are required to place a security deposit prior to start new service. The deposit is calculated based on an amount equal to the estimated total of utility bills covering a 2.5 month high billing period at the service location. In the absence of relevant billing history, the deposit will be estimated based on the type of business and operating characteristics.

You have the option of obtaining a utility bond in lieu of a cash deposit. We may require a cash deposit equal to one months service while waiting for the utility bond. Once the bond is received the cash deposit will be applied to the account or refunded if there is no balance owing. The full deposit requirement will be extended for 10 (ten) business days. The utility service will be subject to disconnection after the extension period if the full deposit or utility bond is not secured.

Commercial Solid Waste only customers will be required to provide a deposit equal to the cost of one month of service.

A utility administrative fee of $11.00 will be assessed to establish a utility account. In addition, the following service connection charges will be assessed for each metered service activated:

  • Electric - $20.00
  • Gas - $40.00
  • Water - $20.00

Step 3.Request service

Bring information, documents, and deposit to the Contact Center office at:

55 N. Center St.
Mesa, AZ 85201

Hours of operation are Monday - Thursday, 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Step 4.Service connection

Normally, utility service is connected the next business day following the request for service. If it is necessary to establish service the same day, after 6 p.m. Monday - Thursday or on a weekend/city holiday, a convenience fee of $55.00 will be assessed in addition to the normal administrative and connection charges.

See the Service Policy for Utility Customers(PDF, 964KB) for more information on these and additional fees and charges.

City and State Privilege tax will be assessed on all charges as applicable.

Cancel Service

All multi-dwellings require a minimum of 2 - 3 business days to complete turn off requests. Occupants will be notified of the pending disconnection. A site visit will be performed to confirm occupancy.

If the property is vacant, services will be turned off on the next business day. Utility services are turned off Monday - Thursday, excluding city holidays.

Step 1.Complete Online Form

Commercial Utility Account Turn Off Request

Step 2.OR Complete Printable Form

Fill out the printable version(PDF, 233KB) of the form.

Once the form is complete you can submit via:


Faxed requests received after 5:30 p.m. will be worked the next business day

55 N. Center St.
Mesa, AZ 85201

Monday - Thursday
7 a.m. to 6 p.m.