Regular Hours
Monday - Thursday
7:00 am to 6:00 pm
Closed Fridays
Essential services (public safety, utilities) and quality of life services (parks, arts, libraries, airports) are not impacted by this schedule. Visit department, division and program pages for any special hours of operation.
Offices are closed on the following holidays:
- New Year's Day - January
- Martin Luther King Jr./Civil Rights Day - January
- President's Day - February
- Memorial Day - May
- Independence Day - July
- Labor Day - September
- Veteran's Day - November
- Thanksgiving Day - November
- Day after Thanksgiving - November
- Christmas Eve - December
- Christmas Day - December
Refuse and recyclables will be collected, but there will be no scheduling of bulk-item pick-ups.
Police, Fire and 9-1-1 emergency services will be available.