Policies & Disclaimer
Privacy Principles
The City of Mesa is committed to maintaining your online privacy and the confidentiality of personal information you may provide while interacting with us online. This policy serves to describe the City of Mesa's privacy practices regarding the collection and use of information from visitors to the City of Mesa's official websites.
This privacy policy only applies to these Mesa websites. When you follow a link to another site, even the sites of other governments, this policy will not apply. This privacy policy is subject to change at any time by the City of Mesa.
The City of Mesa collects personal information from the public in order to provide important and critical services such as utilities (gas, electric, water, etc.), recreational programs, public safety, infrastructure repair and many more that citizens and businesses depend on.
While in some instances the City must conform to legal requirements regarding disclosure of information (e.g. public records laws) we are committed to protecting personal information to the degree possible. We recognize that privacy is at the forefront of many of our citizens’ concerns and as such, we are steadfast in our intent to clearly communicate what data we collect, how we use it, and how we disclose its use.
These are the principles that the City of Mesa is committed to following when it comes to privacy of public information:
Accountability: We are accountable for adhering to various legal compliance regulations (e.g. HIPAA, PCI, etc.) as well as to the constituents of the City of Mesa. We safeguard public information by implementing a variety of security controls, which protect against unintentional and focused attempts to unlawfully gain access to this information.
Necessity: We only collect information that we need to deliver existing services or future, enhanced municipal services. We are constantly striving to improve our services, and public information is a critical component in these efforts.
Communication: Whenever possible, we will share when we are collecting personal information and how we are using it, at the time of collection. If there are opportunities to give you a choice of whether you want to share data with us, we will do so.
Accuracy: Accurate information is very important to the city and when practical, we will do our best to correct inaccurate personal information.
Sharing: We share information in compliance with state and federal law as well as with 3rd parties per public records requests. Vendors or business partners who receive or collect personal information from the City of Mesa to deliver services, are required to agree to our privacy requirements. When publicly collected information is shared widely there are instances where we will obfuscate information when it doesn’t materially impact the information gained so we can protect the privacy of those it is about.
Privacy: We value your privacy and understand that you are trusting us to make good decisions about your personal information. We measure the potential risk to your information during all phases of personal data usage including but not limited to collection, aggregation, usage and disclosure.
Subscription E-mail Services
The City of Mesa offers many "subscription-based" e-mail services, where visitors can elect to sign up to receive periodic e-mail notifications regarding items such as City news events, requests for bids for goods and services and job postings (to name a few). To offer this service we must collect your e-mail address information and store it. This information is only used for the purpose of distributing e-mail notices that you have specifically subscribed to. By agreeing to use this service, you are granting the City of Mesa permission to send you periodic e-mails about those topics for which you have registered. The City will not add you to any e-mail lists that you have not specifically signed up for through our registration process. The City of Mesa does not buy, sell, trade or rent e-mailing lists with, for or to third parties. Visitors are free to "unsubscribe" from any e-mail list they may be registered to by following the instructions distributed with every e-mail sent by this service, or by visiting the e-mail subscription page on the site.
Information Provided by Minors
Except for information provided on the City of Mesa Parks and Recreation activity registration, no applications, services or surveys on the City of Mesa websites seek to determine or verify the age of site visitors. Consequently, visitors should be aware that the collection of personal information requested from or volunteered by minors on-line or by email will be treated in the same manner as information given by an adult and may be subject to public access as prescribed by applicable laws. We advise children (minors) to get their parents' permission before providing any information online.
Use Of "Cookies"
To better serve our users we may use "cookies" in certain City website areas to customize your browsing experience. Cookies are text files stored on your computer by your web browser. They provide a method of distinguishing among visitors to our City websites, and assist in performing certain online transactions. Cookies created by using the City websites do not contain personally identifying information and do not compromise your privacy or security. We use the cookie feature only to store a randomly generated identifying tag on your computer. Visitors may configure their browsers to not accept cookies from sites, however this may impact our ability to provide certain online services for you.
Links to External Websites
The City of Mesa websites contain links to other non-city (external) websites. Links to other websites do not constitute an endorsement of the City of Mesa. Such external websites contain information and services that have been created independently of the City of Mesa websites and are only provided as a convenience for our site visitors who may need additional information that we do not control, or otherwise cannot provide. The City of Mesa does not endorse, approve, certify or control these external websites, nor any of the information and data contained on those websites. The City of Mesa cannot guarantee the privacy of your personal information while accessing those websites. The City encourages visitors to check the privacy policies of all external websites visited, and to be cautious about providing personal information while on these sites without first obtaining a clear understanding of how such information will be used. Many non-City sites may or may not be subject to the Public Records laws and other provisions of state or federal law.
Use of any information obtained from such addresses is voluntary, and reliance on it should only be undertaken after an independent review of its accuracy, completeness, efficacy, and timelines. Reference therein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, service mark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not constitute or imply endorsement, recommendation or favoring by the City of Mesa.
Social Media and Public Comments
The City uses social networking sites to further its mission to serve our citizens and provide quality customer service. The City of Mesa sites are also a place for the public to share opinions about city related subjects and issues. Comments are welcome and may be reviewed prior to publishing.
Where moderation of comments is an available option, comments from the public may be moderated before posting by the City of Mesa designated staff. Where moderation prior to posting is not an option, sites will be regularly monitored by city staff.
City social media pages are limited public forums intended for distributing news about City activities and departments and all content published on those sites is subject to monitoring. Use of comments and interactions with others must be on-topic relevant and related to the post and page and respectful of the rights and opinions of others.
The City of Mesa reserves the right to reject or remove comments or content that:
- are off-topic, irrelevant, not germane, or not reasonably related to the topic of the post or purpose of the page
- are profane, violent or obscene
- encourage, promote, or support discrimination against individuals
- are duplicate or spam
- advocate illegal activity
- contains confidential information or personal information posted without consent
- libel, incite, threaten or make ad hominem attacks on City of Mesa officials, employees, volunteers, residents or any member of the general public
- are in violation of the copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property right of any third party
- promote or advertise business entities, products, or services for sale or use
- promote or endorse political campaigns, ballot measures, or candidates
Posted comments or content reflect the views and opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or policies of the City of Mesa.
Content on City of Mesa websites and social media pages is governed by a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States licensing.
Some of the City of Mesa websites may provide data, information and images that are copyrighted. If a copyright is indicated on any material, permission to copy these materials must be obtained from the original source. Any trademarks and trademark logos may not be reproduced without the written permission of the trademark owner.
File Modification
If permitted to do so, you may download material on a City of Mesa website for personal, non-commercial use. The City of Mesa will not be held liable concerning any downloaded files and for any effect the downloaded files has on your computer or software. The download, maintenance and use of any files are the responsibility of the visitor. It is your responsibility to check the information for accuracy and to check the website regularly for deleted or changed information.
Data Portal
The City recognizes the value and benefit to the general public of providing easy and convenient access to a variety of public data for review and download. This Data Terms of Use License Agreement applies to all general public, governmental, non-governmental and private industries with an interest in city of Mesa data. By viewing or downloading materials from the City site, you hereby accept and agree to all terms and conditions outlined within said Licensing Agreement. View information about the initiative and Data policy.
Terms of Use
Neither the City of Mesa, nor any agency, officer, or employee of the City of Mesa warrants the accuracy, reliability or timeliness of any information published on the City websites, nor does the City of Mesa endorse any content, viewpoints, products, or services provided via external links to Non-City websites, and shall not be held liable for any losses caused by reliance on the accuracy, reliability or timeliness of such information. Any mention of vendors, products or services is for informational purposes only. Portions of information on the City of Mesa website may be incorrect or not current. Any person or entity that relies on any information obtained from the City websites does so at his or her own risk.
The City of Mesa is neither responsible nor liable for any viruses or other contamination of your system nor for any delays, inaccuracies, errors or omissions arising out of your use of the City websites or with respect to the material contained on the City websites, including without limitation, any material posted on the City websites. The City of Mesa shall not be held liable for improper or incorrect use of the data or materials on the City websites. These City websites and all materials contained on them, including but not limited to software, materials and data, are distributed and transmitted "as is" without warranties of title or any kind or implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
The City of Mesa is not responsible for claims for breach of warranty or contract and is not responsible for any damages, direct or indirect, special, incidental, consequential including, but not limited to, business interruption or loss of use, data or profits) or punitive damages that may arise from the use of, or the inability to use, the sites and/or the materials contained on the site whether the materials contained on the sites are provided by the City of Mesa, or a third party. This disclaimer of liability applies to any damages or injury, including but not limited to, those caused by any failure of performance, error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay, computer virus, communication line failure, theft, or destruction of data, whether for breach of contract, tortuous behavior, negligence, or under any other cause of action.
Communications to the City of Mesa via these websites shall in no way be deemed to constitute legal or official notice to the City of Mesa, its agencies, officers, employees, representatives or agents with respect to any existing, pending or future claim or cause of action against the City of Mesa or any of its agencies, officers, employees, representatives or agents or for any other purpose.
City Maps (static and interactive)
The maps the City of Mesa is providing are for public informational purposes. The City of Mesa does not guarantee and expressly disclaims any responsibility for the content, validity, timeliness and accuracy of the data and information depicted. The City of Mesa explicitly disclaims any and all representations and warranties of any and all kind, express or implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
User expressly agrees that any use of the data and information is at the user's sole risk and User expressly accepts full responsibility and liability for the user's use or transmission of any such data or information in its actual or altered form and any decisions made or action taken in reliance upon any information or data hereunder.
The data provided is the property of the city of Mesa and is not to be distributed in any form nor used in any manner not explicitly authorized by the city of Mesa in writing.
Software Translations
The City of Mesa does not guarantee the accuracy of the translation tool provided. The tools are provided as a convenience for users when human translation is not available.
Web Site Maintenance
Due to required routine maintenance, certain e-service features will occasionally be unavailable. We apologize for any inconvenience.
No Warranties related to Phone Apps
Although City of Mesa makes efforts to provide an accurate service, the service and all parts thereof including all additional services or work to be provided to user by city of mesa pursuant to a separate written instrument and otherwise are provided "as is", "with all faults", and "as available". City of Mesa and its affiliates and their respective officers, directors, employees and third party suppliers (collectively, the "city of mesa parties") disclaim any and all representations, warranties or guarantees of any kind, whether express, implied or statutory, including without limitation (1) as to title, merchantability, fitness for ordinary purposes and fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, system integration, workmanlike effort, quiet enjoyment and no encumbrances or liens, (2) the quality, accuracy, timeliness or completeness of the service, (3) those arising through course of dealing, course of performance or usage of trade; (4) the service conforming to any function, demonstration or promise by any city of mesa party, and (5) that access to or use of the service will be uninterrupted or error-free or completely secure. Any reliance upon the service is at the user’s own risk.
City of mesa reserves the right to restrict or terminate user's access to the service or any feature or part thereof at any time. If the user downloads any content from this service, user does so at user's own discretion and risk. User will be solely responsible for any damage to user's computer system or loss of data that results from the download of any such content.
These disclaimers are independent of any other term in this agreement.
Limitation of Liability
The materials and documents available on City of Mesa websites are provided as a public service for general informational purposes. The City makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, as to the accuracy, reliability or operation of these sites or the information, content, materials, products or service they contain. The City of Mesa (as well as its officers, directors and employees) will not be liable for damages of any kind arising from the use of this site, regardless of the cause.
Web Accessibility Guidelines
Our goal is to provide maximum access for all users of Mesa's website.
We work to continually improve our sites and produces content that is compliant with Section 508 of the Americans with Disabilities Act, as well as standards set forth by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)*.
The City of Mesa Diversity Office also administers and oversees compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Part of their mission is to serve as an advocate and provide information for people with disabilities. The City is working hard to make all buildings, programs and facilities available and accessible to all people.
*Mesa continually strives to meet standards. Mesa's ability to alter third party software, however, is limited and as such may not strictly comply with standards.
Site users who encounter difficulty using this site are requested to contact the City Web Specialist describing the nature of the problem and the section where the difficulty was encountered.