Animal Noise Disturbance Complaint

Complaint Process


 Animal Control
 Step 1

First complaint to Animal Control for Animal Noise Disturbance

Letter advising of the complaint and violation sent to animal owner via US Mail

Noise Disturbance still occurring.  Timeframe for second complaint:
Minimum 5 – 7 Days
Maximum 21 days

 Step 2

Second complaint to Animal Control for Animal Noise Disturbance




Second letter advising of the complaint and violation sent to Animal owner via US Mail


Noise Disturbance still occurring.  Timeframe for third complaint:
Minimum 5 – 7 Days
Maximum 21 days

 Step 3

Third complaint to Animal Control for Animal Noise Disturbance





Animal Control Officer goes to animal owner’s property-speaks to animal owner if home, leaves notice regarding complaint if not home

  Noise Disturbance still occurring.  Timeframe for fourth complaint:
Minimum 1 day
  Step 4

Minimum 7-day log listing dates, times, durations of disturbances with letter requesting citation and indicating citizen’s willingness to go to court sent to Animal Control via US Mail or email




Citation issued to animal owner with court appearance date set 3-4 weeks from date issued

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Hearing set by court if animal owner pleads not responsible on initial appearance date listed on citation. Citizen, animal owner and Animal Control appear for hearing.

If animal owner pleads responsible on initial appearance court hands own fines at that time.


The following steps will be taken in order to resolve your complaint:

  1. Based on the information you provide, the animal owner will be contacted by mail, making them aware of the problem and offering solutions.

  2. We do not accept anonymous complaints, but at this point your information is kept confidential.

  3. In 5-7 days, if the problem continues, please complete a second form or call Mesa Animal Control at 480-644-2268.

  4. A second notice is mailed to the animal owner.

  5. After the third complaint is received, after 5-7  days of the second complaint, an Animal Control Officer will respond to the address of the problem animal.

  6. On an animal noise disturbance, you are the victim, not the Animal Control Officer and not Mesa.
    As the victim, you would need to be willing to testify in court if the disturbance does not stop after the Animal Control Officer’s response to the animal owner’s property.

  7. To aid in successful prosecution, the victim must provide detailed documentation. We suggest at least a week's worth of documentation showing specific dates, times, and duration of the disturbances, to show that the animal noise disturbance is an on-going and offensive problem. That documentation can be uploaded with this form to Animal Control with your request for a citation and indication of your willingness to appear in court. If you would like to submit audio or video, please email separately to

  8. If you, as the victim, are willing to testify in court, have specific documentation, and want prosecution, a civil infraction violation can be issued after all required steps have been completed.

  9. Please note, if the time between complaints is over 21 days the process for the Animal Noise Disturbance complaint will begin again.

Click here to view form.