Once a complaint is received we verify area within Mesa, legal property owner or responsible party, and specific code violation.
First inspection is conducted within 30 days of receiving complaint. The goal, however, is to inspect all complaints within 3 days.
The Code Officer will determine if the property is in violation.
- If the property is found “not in violation” or there is already an existing case open on the property, the case is closed.
- If the property is found “to be in violation” the Code Officer will leave an inspection notice. The inspection notice provides the responsible party or owner important information; such as the specific violation, a reminder of the 14-day timeline and the Code Officer contact information.
Properties found in violation will also receive a Notice of Violation in the mail reminding them of the 14-day timeline and the importance of notifying the assigned Code Officer if the violation has been abated or to request and extension, the specific code section violation and description of the violation, and the Code Officer contact information.
Extension requests must be made with the Code Officer Assigned to the case or his/her supervisor. (Only a supervisor can grant an extension beyond 28 days.)
Another inspection is scheduled for another follow-up. If the changes are verified the case is closed.
If the violation continues or no extension is requested or granted a citation is issued. The property owner is summoned before a Civil Hearing Officer. The property owner may accept responsibility and pay the fines and fees, OR request a hearing with the Civil Hearing Officer.
NOTE: A citation may be issued at any time in lieu of a Notice of Violation. A citation shall be issued in lieu of a Notice of Violation due to prior violation history on the property and, or, the property owner has been designated as a repeat offender.
Did you receive a civil citation?
Properties that do not comply or show a pattern of violations may be sent to the City Prosecutor’s Office.