Emergency Rehabilitation Program
Notice Regarding Seasonal Prioritization
Due to budget constraints, the Emergency Rehabilitation Program will only be addressing HVAC repairs and replacements until further notice. While applications will continue to be accepted, they will only be for HVAC-related issues. Applications for other emergency repairs will not be accepted at this time. Current eligible applicants for non-HVAC repairs will be placed on a waitlist and notified accordingly.
The Emergency Rehabilitation Program provides assistance through a grant offered through Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding to address household repairs that affect the immediate livability of the home. Repairs are limited, and assistance is based on the priority of emergency. The current maximum grant is $25,000 per household per year.
The level of assistance is limited solely to the amount required to address the specific emergency. The maximum amount of assistance per household, per year, may not exceed $25,000. Emergency Repairs are limited to those issues that affect the habitability of the home, including but not limited to:
- AC/Heater Repair/Replacement
- Roof Repair/Replacement
- Water Heater Replacement
- Severe Electrical Issue
- Severe Plumbing Issue
- Accommodations to Address Accessibility Issues for elderly and disabled
Applicants who experience more than one emergency in the same fiscal year (July 1 to June 30) may receive assistance through the program a second time in that year, provided the maximum grant amount has not been spent.
Program Guidelines
The Emergency Rehabilitation Program operates with federal funding, and eligibility is determined primarily based on income criteria. For additional information on eligibility requirements and the application process, please review the program guidelines(PDF, 289KB).
Eligibility Requirements
To be eligible, homeowners must meet certain criteria, including, but not limited to:
- Have a qualifying emergency repair
- Have owned and lived in their Mesa home for a minimum of 12 months prior to applying
- Cannot use their home as a rental property, in whole or in part
- Be up to date on property taxes and utilities
Income Eligibility
The following table shows the current HUD maximum gross household income based on household size to be income eligible:
Household Size & Maximum Income
- 1 - $57,600
- 2 - $65,800
- 3 - $74,050
- 4 - $82,250
- 5 - $88,850
- 6 - $95,450
- 7 - $102,000
- 8 - $108,600
Program Interest Form
Click here to view form.