Mesa Climate Action Plan


The Mesa Climate Action Plan (MCAP), a Mayor and Council priority initiative, is our commitment to proactively and responsibly protect and conserve Mesa’s environment and natural resources. In 2021, we set ambitious goals and strategies that reflect the community's vision to enhance quality of life, embrace smart innovation, and improve social equity for a vibrant healthy future for Mesa. See how the City of Mesa, our partners, and the community are doing.



Mesa received global recognition by winning the prestigious United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Innovation Award. Mesa is one of only seven cities in the world – and the only city in the United States – to receive this honor, celebrating its innovative approaches to sustainable development and impactful initiatives that align with the United Nations' global goals. 

Aspirational Goals

Aspirational Goal #1: Carbon Neutralitydecorative
Achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and enhancing carbon sinks
Strive to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions from Mesa Operations by 50% by 2030

decorative Aspirational Goal #2: Renewable Energy
Prioritize the use of renewable, resilient energy to achieve 100% renewable energy by 2050

GTruck.png Aspirational Goal #3: Materials Management
Manage material responsibility and divert 90% waste from the landfill by 2050

decorative Aspirational Goal #4: Climate Ready Community
Enhance community resilience through collaboration and inclusive engagement

Mesa Projects, Programs and Community Partnerships

These six focus areas have co-benefits and ensure that, together, we are working toward a healthy, climate-ready community. For example, renewable energy projects help achieve all MCAP Goals and improve air quality, address urban heat, improve water stewardship, and improve materials management.


decorativeConserving energy and supporting the transition to resilient, renewable energy for customer needs, buildings, and vehicles.

Renewable Power Supply:

Our Electric Utility's power supply includes 28% renewable power. The Utility has a goal to achieve close to 40% renewables in fiscal year 25/26. Learn more about the Utility’s Integrated Resource Plan, available Jan. 2025.

Mesa's Gas Utility has an aspirational goal to increase the amount of renewable natural gas, also known as biogas, in the City’s Gas Supply. The Utility is working toward an aspirational goal of 30% renewable natural gas. 

Active Projects: 


  • SRP is working on sustainability goals that reduce carbon emissions.
  • Energy Efficient Community Buildings. The Resilient Southwest Building Code Collaborative project is working to transform construction practices to achieve highly efficient and climate–ready buildings while preserving affordability and regional characteristics. 

Air Quality

Implementing strategies that address air quality challenges and protect the health of the community now and for future generations.decorative

Active Projects: 

City Programs:


Urban Heat Mitigation

Implementing strategies that reduce the urban heat island effect, adding meaningful shade, and using nature-based solutions to reduce decorativeenergy use and support the community’s quality of life. 

Active Projects: 

  • New trees in parks, along streets, around city buildings, and at transit stops. Explore the data
  • Bus shelter shade study and shelter design

City Programs:


Water Stewardship

Mesa is committed to sustainability managing its water supply and providing the community with resources to use water efficiently. decorative

Active Projects:

City Programs:


Materials Management

Promoting the circular economy, through thoughtful purchasing and recovering materials for reuse. decorative

Active Projects:

  • Waste-Not-Mesa pilot projects for Mesa operations that divert hazardous materials and recyclable material from the waste stream
  • Food Waste to Energy
  • Online forms and digital correspondence (going paperless)

City Programs: 


Sustainable Food Systems

Food grown and produced locally reduces the environmental impacts of transportation, refrigeration, and preservation. 


Active Projects:

City Programs:



Community Taking Action

Individuals and community groups play an important role in reaching the Mesa Climate Action Plan goals. 


Mesa partnered with Boeing, Shutterfly and Skyline High School for a tree planting event at Skyline Park.