Student Essay & Visual Arts Contest

2025 Contest is Now Closed.

Visual Arts Contest Topics (Kindergarten - 12th grade)

Students can showcase their visual arts skills (submittals can include a video, sketch, painting,
3D model, etc.) and learn more about Mesa's history by submitting an art piece that falls within one of the following three topics.

  1. Identify an existing place in Mesa that should become "historic" in 50 years
  2. Identify a historic site (older than 50 years) in Mesa that should be saved
  3. Redesign a downtown facade or sign
  4. Create your own art piece related to historic preservation

Essay Topics (4th - 12th grade only)

Students can showcase their writing talent and learn more about Mesa's history by submitting an essay about one or more of the topics below. Contest entries must be a historical essay or fictional story on one of the following three topics:

  1. Go to the Mesa Historical Museum and describe the significance of a photo or piece of art
  2. Describe the significance of a street name in Mesa
  3. Describe a historical figure and how they contributed to the history of Mesa
  4. Choose your own essay topic relating to historic preservation

We encourage you to share this information with students! Printable flyer for posting(PDF, 2MB)

Contest Regulations

Printable regulations and entry form packet(PDF, 2MB)

All school-age Mesa residents are eligible to apply
Mesa students in kindergarten through 12th grade are eligible for the visual arts contest. Mesa students in 4th through 12th grade are eligible for the essay AND visual arts contest. *AU students must reside in Mesa.

All entries must comply with the following contest rules:

  1. completed submission form(PDF, 2MB) is required with all submissions.
  2. Each entry must reflect the student’s own research, writing, and original thinking.
  3. Entries must be in the form of an essay or fictional story or visual arts (such as video, sketch, painting, scale model, etc.).
  4. One (1) entry may be submitted by each contestant.
  5. K-3rd grade students may only submit an art piece.
  6. Students in 4th through 12th grade may submit either an essay or an art piece.
  7. All sources must be properly cited.
  8. Each entry should be no more than 750 words in length (essay), three minutes long (video), or 24” X 36” in size (visual arts project such as painting, sketch, or base size for 3D model).
  9. Essays may be typed or neatly written.
  10. The title of the essay, but NOT the author’s name, MUST appear on the top of all pages of the essay. Each visual arts project MUST include a title using an index card, label, or other clear identifier.
  11. All entries will become property of the Mesa Historic Preservation Board. The Board may reprint the essays in publications, online, or use them at workshops. Appropriate citations will be given to the authors.
  12. Winning entries will be posted to the Historic Preservation Office website.


The Mesa Historic Preservation Board will evaluate submissions based on the inclusion of historical information, storytelling skill and artistic expression appropriate for the grade level(s) (K-3, 4-6,& 7-12). The Board will then select the top three winners in each age group and category, considering the overall effectiveness of the story, video, or visual arts project in conveying Mesa's history.

Contest entries will be reviewed at the April Historic Preservation Board meeting, and winning participants will be invited to attend an awards ceremony in May as a part of a special Historic Preservation Month event!


In addition to the monetary prizes listed below, all 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Place winners will receive a Historic Preservation swag bag for the student.

Grade K-3

  • 1st place art contest winner - $100 to student, $100 to teacher
  • 2nd place art contest winner - $50 to student, $50 to teacher
  • 3rd place art contest winner - $25 to student, $25 to teacher

Grade 4-6

  • 1st place art contest winner - $100 to student, $100 to teacher
  • 2nd place art contest winner - $100 to student, $100 to teacher
  • 3rd place art contest winner - $50 to student, $50 to teacher

  • 1st place essay contest winner - $100 to student, $100 to teacher
  • 2nd place essay contest winner - $100 to student, $100 to teacher
  • 3rd place essay contest winner - $50 to student, $50 to teacher

Grade 7-12

  • 1st place art contest winner - $100 to student, $100 to teacher
  • 2nd place art contest winner - $50 to student, $50 to teacher
  • 3rd place art contest winner - $25 to student, $25 to teacher

  • 1st place essay contest winner - $100 to student, $100 to teacher
  • 2nd place essay contest winner - $50 to student, $50 to teacher
  • 3rd place essay contest winner - $25 to student, $25 to teacher


Previous Winners

2024 Winners

2024 Student Historical Essay & Visual Arts Winners(PDF, 2MB)

2023 Winners

Essay Contest

Visual Arts Contest

First Place tie

The awards were presented by the students at the Nile Theater in downtown Mesa followed by a guided walking tour of downtown to celebrate Historic Preservation Month.

2023 Winners2023 Winners

2022 Winners

2022 Winners2022 Winners

1st Place
Alyssa Udall
Kaelyn Udall
Rachel Joslyn

"The Oral History of Elaine Rowley Baker"

1st Place
Sophia Mateo
"Mesa, Arizona History is Famous"(PDF, 95KB)

2nd Place
Alyza Cryder
"Dear Diary"(PDF, 98KB)

3rd Place
Chloe Layton
"Little Houses of Big Purpose"(PDF, 88KB)

3rd Place
Sundee Speakman
"Something Old in a Place So Very New"(PDF, 118KB)

3rd Place
James Arbizu
"Historic Neighborhoods in Mesa, Arizona"(PDF, 64KB)

2021 Winners

2021 Winners1st Place
Teegan Campbell
Oral History

1st Place
Emeline Goettl
"Mesa Long Ago"(PDF, 83KB)

1st Place
Tanner Lumley
"Arizona's Water"(PDF, 74KB)