Limited Income Assistance Programs


Visit each section for services and programs for our residents in need. Many of the programs do require application and qualification process.

 Visit 2-1-1 Arizona for more assistance programs throughout the state.


Affordable Connectivity Program
Program that helps ensure that households can afford the broadband they need for work, school, healthcare and more. This benefit provides a discount of up to $30 per month toward internet service for eligible households and up to $75 per month for households on qualifying Tribal lands.

Limited Income Senior Rate Program
A 30% discount on the Water Service Rate for seniors with a limited income.

Mesa Community Action Network
Offers a payment assistance program for utilities and a weatherization program for the repair/replacement of utility-related appliances and systems. The Mesa Community Action Network can help you decrease your energy costs.

Summer Electric Assistance Program
Utility help program for income-qualified customers residing in Mesa's Electric Service Area and receiving their electric service from the City (not SRP).

Security and Utility Deposit Program
This program aids low-income Mesa families and individuals with the refundable portion of their security deposit and utility deposit. In order to qualify, families and individuals will need to be approved for eligibility. Payments are made directly to the landlord and utility provider.

  • Eligibility is based on income requirement limits at or below 80 percent of the Area Median Income (AMI).
  • Security Deposit and Utility Deposit applications and required documentation must be submitted to the Mesa Housing Authority office.
  • Utility Deposit application, if being requested, must accompany a Security Deposit application.
  • Landlord and utility providers must be willing to accept a "letter of intent" for payment guarantee.
  • All units must be inspected before the assistance can be finalized.



Housing (Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Waitlist)

Tenants Eviction Assistance
If you have been affected by COVID-19 and fear eviction, have been sued for eviction, or have a judgment against you, contact Community Legal Services at 602-385-8880. They will provide no-cost legal assistance to help with your eviction problems.


Maintenance and Repair

Emergency Rehabilitation Program
Federal assistance through a grant to address household repairs that affect the immediate livability of the home. Repairs are limited, and help is based on the priority of the emergency.

Neighbors Helping Neighbors
Assisting residents experiencing difficulties in maintaining the exterior of their homes.

Tool Lending Program
Residents can borrow a variety of tools, free of charge, for home projects.



Mesa Recreation Scholarship
This fee assistance program allows eligible residents to participate in quality youth and adaptive recreation activities at a 50% discount. Eligibility for the program is determined by completing an application and supplying any necessary documentation before registering for programs. 

Arizona Museum of Natural History (AZMNH)
EBT cardholders can receive a discounted museum admission of $2 per person for up to 6 family members. Eligible visitors need to provide a valid state-issued driver's license or ID card that matches the name on the EBT card. AZMNH discounted rate is possible through the Museums for All signature access program.

i.d.e.a. Museum
EBT or WIC cardholders can receive a family museum membership for $20 for six people for one year. These memberships are limited.



Prescription Discount Card Program

Free prescription drug discount cards are available to Mesa residents through a program sponsored by the National League of Cities (NLC). The discount cards offer residents average savings of 20 percent off the retail price of commonly prescribed drugsPLEASE NOTE: The discount only applies to prescriptions not already covered in full/part by insurance.

The discount cards may be used by all residents of Mesa and has no restrictions based on the resident's age, income level, or existing health coverage. The card can be used when purchasing prescription drugs at many pharmacies in Mesa, as well as at more than 59,000 participating retail pharmacies across the country. 

Call toll-free 888-620-1749 or visit for assistance with the program.