Bike & Pedestrian Program

Mesa’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Program offers safety classes and events, and works to create enhanced pathways to provide safe connections for all residents traveling through Mesa.

Join us in creating a walkable and bike-able community by attending one of our events!

 2025 Valley Bike Month FB graphic.png

Arizona Bicycling Summit 2025
April 4
8 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
MIX Center
50 N. Centennial Way

April 5
9 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Plaza @ Mesa City Center
56 E. Main St.

Bike-to-Work Day
April 16
7 a.m. - 9 a.m.
Plaza @ Mesa City Center
56 E. Main St.



Bicycle Safety classes are offered throughout the year. Participants will learn basics of bicycle safety and will receive free safety gear at the end of the class. Class space can be limited. Pre-registration is required through the library event system.

Check back for more dates as they are announced.

People Friendly Driver 
Learn the best and safest ways to share the road with all road users. Discuss traffic safety and responsibilities, and how to avoid crashes or conflicts. The class will address topics such as why sharing the road is the safest alternative for all road users, common crashes and how to avoid them and how to navigate bicycle and pedestrian related infrastructure. *Recommended ages 15+

Bike Summer 
Summertime in Arizona means warmer weather, extra sunshine and new issues to be aware of when you get on your bike. This class will help you to be prepared for problems that can come up when you’re riding in hot weather conditions. Learn tips and tricks to use to help you stay cool and having fun when you ride all summer long. All participants will leave the class with a free safety gear! *Recommended ages 12+

Smart Cycling for Older Adults
An introductory class on how to start bicycling or take as a refresher on the basics. You'll get practical tips geared toward older adults on how prepare to ride and what you can do to stay safe on the streets. All participants will receive a free Bicycle Safety Kit that including a helmet. *Recommended ages 50+

Mesa’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Program presents… STEAM at the Library
In this drop-in class, activities are designed to help you learn more about science, technology, engineering, art, math, and SAFETY — the fun way! Each child will leave with items from class and free safety coloring book. *Recommended Ages: 6-12

Bike Maps

Mesa Bike Map(PDF, 4MB)

Valleywide Bike Map

Preview your route - Drone fly-overs of shared use pathways

Bike Pathway Aerial mashup

Rio Salado Path

Crosscut Canal

Southern Avenue

Stadium Connector

Separated Bike Lanes - 1st Ave

All Kids Bike Program & Bike Rodeo Toolkit

All Kids Bike

We are seeking Mesa Public Elementary Schools that are interested in piloting the All Kids Bike program. All Kids Bike is a national movement to place Kindergarten PE Learn-To-Ride Programs into public schools for free, using donations from individuals, businesses, and organizations. Selected schools will work with City of Mesa staff to secure funding for implementation of the 5-year program.

One local PE Specialist says of the program, "[All Kids Bike Program is] so valuable and so worthwhile. The kids love it and so do I!"

If you or your school's Administration and PE Specialist are interested in learning more about the opportunity, please email.

Bike Rodeo ToolKit

Are you eager to organize a bike or pedestrian rodeo in your community? The Bike Rodeo Toolkit is your ultimate guide. It contains step-by-step instructions to help you plan, organize, and execute a successful bike rodeo that engages and educates participants on essential cycling safety skills. The toolkit covers everything from station setups and volunteer coordination to promoting the event. With comprehensive how-to guides for each station and detailed checklists, you’ll have all the resources you need to make your bike rodeo a hit!

To request additional information, send an email with your contact information, date and location of your anticipated rodeo.

SpokeLife Magazine

Read the latest issue of SpokeLife Mesa, a magazine all about biking in Mesa!


Past Issues


Walk Your Wheels
Remember to Walk Your Wheels on the sidewalks on Main Street downtown