Quarterly Financial Status Report presents the adopted budget for the current fiscal year, the previous fiscal year’s actuals, the year-to-date actuals, and the projected year end estimates. The report will track each department and enterprise and summarize the financial data into four statuses: Exceeding, On Track, Caution, and Monitoring. For Quarters 1-4, the status is determined by comparing the adopted budget to the year end estimate, and the fiscal year end close will compare the year end estimate to the year end actuals.
On the summary page, you will find a brief summary of the quarter with clarifications. The department and enterprise names are highlighted with the status colors to note the standing of their financials. Each of the highlighted cells are hyperlinked to additional pages with more in depth information about that department or enterprise.
FY 2023-24
FY 2022-23
FY 2021-22 |
FY 2020-21 |
3rd Quarter(PDF, 518KB)
2nd Quarter(PDF, 557KB)
1st Quarter(PDF, 537KB) |
Fiscal year end(PDF, 3MB)
4th Quarter(PDF, 2MB)
3rd Quarter(PDF, 1MB)
2nd Quarter(PDF, 1MB)
1st Quarter(PDF, 2MB)
Fiscal year end(PDF, 2MB)
4th Quarter(PDF, 2MB)
3rd Quarter(PDF, 2MB)
2nd Quarter(PDF, 1MB)
1st Quarter (PDF, 1MB) |