Eastern Canal Shared Use Path - CP0673 / CP0730CAP / CP1060 Shared use path along several sections of the Eastern Canal
Central Mesa Reuse Pipeline Building a pipeline to deliver reclaimed water treated at the Northwest Water Reclamation Plant (NWWRP) to the Gila River Indian Community in exchange for Colorado River water supplies.
Food Waste to Energy Initiative An initiative to create renewable natural gas to fuel Mesa's solid waste fleet.
Mesa Community Electric Vehicle Adoption Project Your input will help guide decisions on policy and infrastructure investmentsthat accelerate the community transition to EVs.
Downtown Micromobility and Parking Plan Evaluating and enhancing transportation options as Downtown Mesa grows.
Elliot Road Roadway Improvements - CP0982 Improvements on Elliot Road: East Maricopa Floodway (EMF) to Ellsworth Road
Ellsworth Road - CP0969 / CP1015 / CP0620NP17 Ellsworth Road (Ray to Germann) / Ellsworth and Williams Field Road / Ellsworth Road 20" Waterline
MesaCONNECTED Transit Oriented Development Plan A long-range planning tool that creates a vision for Transit Oriented Development along a planned 5-mile streetcar route in West Mesa.
Road Safety: Moving Mesa Towards Safer Streets Identifying road safety strategies and projects, and fostering a community-wide culture of safety.